The Fight for Proper Working Conditions in the Trucking Industry

March 21 -- Fifth Anniversary of Vancouver Truckers' Strike

March 21 marked the fifth anniversary of the Vancouver truckers' strike in which 500 Unifor union truckers united with the 1,500 truckers of Punjabi origin who were members of the United Workers Association (ATU). Together, they defeated the Vancouver Port Authority, the Christy Clark government in British Columbia and the federal government of Stephen Harper and his infamous Minister of Transport Lisa Raitt. It was a great success for Canadian truckers. This struggle continues to inspire truckers today, in the context of a new offensive whereby migrant or foreign workers are hired with the aim of increasing the exploitation of all truckers and preventing standards being set for the industry according to the needs of the drivers. The way forward for this contingent of the working class continues to be the one they took five years ago -- to unite in action to defend the rights of all truckers in Canada, regardless of their national origin.

This article was published in

Number 13 - April 11, 2019

Article Link:
The Fight for Proper Working Conditions in the Trucking Industry: March 21 -- Fifth Anniversary of Vancouver Truckers' Strike


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