Arbitrator Issues Cease and Desist Order to CP Rail

The Teamsters Canada Rail Conference (TCRC) posted the following on its website on March 9, 2019.


Sisters & Brothers,

In March of 2018 Arbitrator Clarke ruled in regards to the systemic Over Hours violations that go to the core of rail employees' rest and work-life balance.

The arbitrator accordingly declares that CP has violated the collective agreement.

The TCRC has further convinced the arbitrator to issue a cease and desist order given the high number of examples, even using CP's own numbers and explanations, when employees' right to be off duty within 10 hours has not been respected. This cease and desist order applies as well to those employees who are entitled to be in and off duty within 12 hours.

We Need Your Help!

Sadly, but not surprisingly the company has begun to disrespect your right to be off duty within 10 or 12 hours. The TCRC has no intention of allowing this to go unchallenged. With that in mind we need your help to document the violations. Please fill out this form each time you are forced over your hours."

Note: Work-rest rules for rail workers require that operating employees who go off-duty after being on-duty in excess of 10 hours will be off duty for:

a) at the home terminal -- be subject to at least 8 continuous hours off-duty, 'exclusive' of call time if applicable, except for yard service employees returning to their regular shift, who will be subject to at least 8 continuous hours off-duty, 'inclusive' of call time if applicable; and

b) at other than the home terminal -- be subject to at least 6 continuous hours off-duty, 'exclusive' of call time if applicable.

5.2.2 At the home terminal, mandatory off-duty time shall commence at the point where the operating employee goes off-duty, and at other than the home terminal, mandatory off-duty time shall commence upon arrival at the accommodations provided by the railway company.

5.2.3 When the off-duty time between any shifts or tours of duty is less than three hours and the combined on-duty time of such shifts or tours of duty is in excess of 10 hours, then the provisions of subsection 5.2.1 apply at the time the operating employees last go off-duty. The off-duty time between such shifts or tours of duty are not to be included in the calculation of on-duty time.

This article was published in

Number 9 - March 14, 2019

Article Link:
Arbitrator Issues Cease and Desist Order to CP Rail - Teamsters Canada Rail Conference


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