Workers Want a Negotiated Contract Not
One-Sided Company Dictate

ABI smelter workers, March 1, 2019, outside Premier Legault's office.

USW Local 9700 called a vote on the latest company contract to ensure every member had a say and vote on the matter after 14 months of lockout. Steelworkers pointed out that the offer and accompanying back-to-work protocol are worse than what had been negotiated before the January 2018 lockout was imposed, when only two points were in dispute.

Workers highlighted that the current offer, or rather dictate, is vastly inferior to what had previously been negotiated regarding work organization, scheduling, the pension fund, respect for seniority, the use of subcontracting and the abolition of unionized positions. The so-called back-to-work protocol had never even been discussed with the union and could only be considered disrespectful to workers and their rights. It demanded the return to work be spread over a period of 10 months, which could be extended according to various pretexts. During this time, managers and subcontractors could occupy the positions of unionized employees.

"Such a prolonged return-to-work period is unprecedented," Local 9700 President Clément Masse said. "The principle of a return-to-work protocol is to negotiate the armistice to the conflict. This protocol does the opposite, it sets fires. By way of comparison, following a labour dispute in 2004, everyone was back in the plant within six weeks."

The union members made it clear during the meeting and with their vote that they do not want to go back to work under these conditions, even after a difficult 14 months of lockout and a coming period full of uncertainty.

Workers' Forum greatly respects the decision of the ABI workers to reject the company dictate. The courage and determination of the ABI workers to defend their rights in the face of a powerful international force and a spineless government that refuses to do its duty and protect its own people, gives heart to millions of workers across Quebec and Canada who are fed up with the current one-sided state of affairs between employees and employers.

Workers' Forum congratulates all those across the country who have come forward to support the locked-out ABI workers in many ways. The Alcoa/Rio Tinto cartel is not invincible but the struggle demands the active stepped-up support of all workers and allies throughout the country. The determination of the organized working class can win this battle for its rights, respect and terms of employment agreeable to those who do the work and produce the social wealth.

This article was published in

Number 9 - March 14, 2019

Article Link:
Workers Want a Negotiated Contract Not One-Sided Company Dictate


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