Destruction of Manufacturing Continues in Ontario

Workers rally outside Erwin Hymer plant in Cambridge demanding answers, February 19, 2019.

Those presently in control of the Erwin Hymer Group North America, headquartered in Cambridge, Ontario advised on February 15 that the company was going into receivership and closing its operations that very day, throwing close to 900 workers in the Kitchener-Waterloo region out of work, including 850 workers at its Cambridge plant. As if that shocking statement was not enough, workers were further informed that they would be paid their last week's wages and any vacation pay but no severance pay. Such is the socially irresponsible and brutal nature of today's relations of production between the Canadian working class and the global financial oligarchy.

Workers at plants in Cambridge and Kitchener have been manufacturing recreational vehicles (RVs) since 1974. The plants were locally owned and operated under the Roadtrek brand until 2011 when, unable to recover from the 2009 recession, the owners sold the enterprise to a U.S. investment firm, Industrial Opportunity Partners. The chaos and insecurity for the workers did not end, as the new owners flipped part of the enterprise to other oligarchs, leaving the business in the hands of Germany-based Erwin Hymer Group North America in 2016.

The crisis-ridden system did not stop there, as the Hymer Group itself soon faced a takeover by U.S.-based Thor Industries. The oligarchs completed a purchase deal on January 31, resulting in yet another ownership group, U.S.-based Corner Flag, seizing control. However, the two plants in Ontario were left out of the deal and went into receivership on February 15, shutting down without warning. Some of the employees have been with the company for 30 to 40 years. The shops were non-unionized. The financial firm Alvarez & Marsal Canada Inc. has been appointed receiver of the company.

No political authority either federal or provincial has lifted a finger to intervene in the situation and defend Canadian workers or the economy throughout the ordeal. On the contrary Premier Doug Ford has declared Ontario open for business giving the financial oligarchy carte blanche to do whatever serves its narrow interests.

The turmoil at and eventual closure of the Erwin Hymer Group North America RV plants after years of being flipped by foreign investment firms is yet another example that the economy needs a new direction that favours and serves the working people and Canadian economy.

(With files from Cambridge Times, CBC)

This article was published in

Number 6 - February 21, 2019

Article Link:
Destruction of Manufacturing Continues in Ontario


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