What It Means to Be "Open for Business"

Workers Reject the Ruling Elite's Politics
of Being "Open for Business"

Representatives of the monopolies and governments in their service promote the slogan "open for business" as the sine qua non guide for all economic activity. It was introduced by Mike Harris in Ontario in the mid nineties and is now the mantra of the Ford government in Ontario of the Legault government in Quebec. Workers reject the outlook, politics and practices underlying such a slogan.

The notion of being open for business begins from the false premise that businesses are the creators of social wealth. In the socialized economy, the collective act of workers, working on means of production other workers have already produced, creates all social wealth.

Although workers neither control nor own the social wealth they create, the truth cannot be denied that they are the creators of it. Social wealth is expropriated by huge private interests that possess immense means of production workers have produced, on which the economy, people and society depend. To declare big private interests the creators of wealth for whom economies and societies should be "open for business" and should serve their narrow interests is not only unscientific and false but ludicrous and irrational.

At the present time, the world is witnessing an unprecedented destruction of the social wealth of human collective work in the form of famines, the displacement of entire populations, the destruction of regional and national economies, wars to destroy what the imperialists cannot control, and other calamities.

Just recently in Ontario, the sudden announcement of the illegal closure of the Oshawa GM plant reveals to all that those who created the social wealth in the form of means of production are not those bent on destroying what workers created. The destroyers are those same investors for whom the politics of "open for business" suits their narrow private interests but generates havoc in the lives of working people and the economy.

The irrational slogan mystifies the reality of the socialized economy in hopes of keeping the working class in a subordinate position, incapable of fulfilling its mission of defending the rights and well-being of all and providing those rights with a guarantee through setting a new direction for the economy under the control of working people and their allies.

"Open for business" signifies a multiplication of pay-the-rich schemes. Swaths of social wealth are poured into the coffers of the rich and squandered at their whim. Here too the people have witnessed the outcome. Billions of dollars of public funds were paid to GM in Canada and the United States in 2009. Now a brutal closure not only deprives thousands of workers of their livelihood at the Oshawa plant and its supplier network of other facilities, but will greatly damage the interconnected local economy. The huge sums of social wealth in the form of public funds paid to GM are no longer available to the society but have been absconded with by those same private interests so keen on the economy being open for business. What takes place could more properly be described as "open for plunder." The public social wealth lost in the global machinations of GM, and the private social wealth in the fixed social wealth of means of production in southern Ontario are being denied to the economy and people to move life forward in ways that would ensure the rights, security and well-being of all. This must not pass!

Proponents of the "open for business" politics exhibit a mortal hatred towards any regulation of a prescriptive nature, any state arrangement that provides a measure of health, safety or work standards to workers. For example, the Ford government in Ontario passed a law, in its mania to make Ontario "open for business," which weakens Ontario's minimum labour standards, notably with regard to hours of work and pay. Further, it wants to pass legislation to de-unionize construction work in public institutions, thereby forcing those who work in construction in those sectors to work without the protection of a union or a collective agreement.

Elsewhere, successive Liberal and Conservative federal governments have deregulated the rail industry, under the slogan that companies are the ones that know their businesses best. This abandonment of the public authority has led to tragedies, one of which happened on February 4, with the tragic deaths of three CP railway workers whose train plunged into the Kicking Horse River. Workers reject with contempt the fact that, in the name of being "open to business," they and their communities are being delivered to chaos and insecurity.

Hidden behind the slogan "open for business," is the ruthless desire of rich oligarchs and their governments to deprive workers of the means to organize collectively and legally in defence of their rights and the rights of all. The politics of "open for business" is meant to criminalize the struggles of workers for their rights. Truth is turned on its head, with workers portrayed as enemies of the economy and the production of social wealth. Workers are looked upon as intent on keeping certain "privileges" obtained as a result of being an organized collective force. Those "privileges" and collectives must be dismantled, cry the oligarchs and their governments, so that everyone is placed at the mercy of the reckless adventures of the rich in the service of their private profit and empire building.

Workers have not waged their mass struggles in defence of their rights and to move society forward only to accept a repugnant slogan and politics that repudiate all that they have fought for in the past and aspire for in the future. Workers are not opposed to business being done, so long as it contributes to the well-being of all, with production based on modern standards approved by the workers themselves and defended by a public authority under their control.

This article was published in

Number 6 - February 21, 2019

Article Link:
What It Means to Be "Open for Business": Workers Reject the Ruling Elite's Politics of Being "Open for Business"


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