Northwest Territories

Public Service Workers Call Off Strike Action
and Enter Binding Mediation

The Union of Northern Workers, in a February 10 press release, announced that two days of mediation failed to produce a tentative agreement between the union representing over 4,000 public service workers and the Government of Northwest Territories (GNWT). The union and GNWT did agree to submit their outstanding issues to binding recommendations from a mediator appointed by the government.

According to the union, the decision to agree to binding mediation comes from some headway made during the weekend's mediation. Wages, the term of the agreement and issues around job security remain outstanding. Workers went into the weekend talks with demands for wages that allow them to keep ahead of the increases to the cost of living and for the creation of more full-time jobs with benefits and a pension plan, in opposition to the reality of workers often working for years as relief workers with no access to benefits and a pension plan. Workers also consider the government's demand for a five year collective agreement too long.

Earlier, on February 8, the GNWT voted 11 to 6 with one abstention to reject a Yellowknife MLA's motion calling on the territorial government to move to binding arbitration. The union had itself approached the government with a proposal to settle the dispute with binding arbitration but the government flatly rejected it under the hoax of letting the negotiation process unfold. The union pointed out that the government's offer was unacceptable to the workers three years ago and remains so today. Why the government agreed to binding mediation at this time remains to be seen but workers are calling upon the mediator to address their main demands and concerns.

In the period leading up to the cancelled strike, planned for February 11, the GNWT was extremely provocative sending documents directly to workers' homes misrepresenting its offer and openly calling upon public service workers to cross the picket lines during the strike.

The GNWT claims to show respect for public service workers who provide vital services and value that the people of the territories depend upon for their living but instead constantly misinforms the public as to the economic nature of public service work and social programs. It posits public sector work as valueless and government payment for the capacity to work of public sector workers as a debilitating cost that drains public funds from infrastructure projects currently under consideration. This unscientific nonsense must be denounced and rejected as self-serving, corrupt and in the service of a financial oligarchy that views the north and its resources only for the great amount of social value it can expropriate from what workers produce.

Workers are both the builders of infrastructure and creators of the value it contains; they are the producers of social wealth through public services and social programs. They have a just claim on the value they create in all sectors of the economy at a modern standard of living acceptable to workers themselves. Workers' Forum joins the public service workers of the Northwest Territories in demanding that their just demands and concerns be addressed.

This article was published in

Number 5 - February 14, 2019

Article Link:
Northwest Territories: Public Service Workers Call Off Strike Action and Enter Binding Mediation


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