Discussion on How to Fund Social Programs and Other Economic Issues

Part One -- The Necessity for a Motive of
Production and Work Consistent with the
Modern Social Conditions

Where does the money come from for social programs and public services? We are told it comes from the public purse yet that explains nothing and is akin to saying food comes from the supermarket.

Working people recognize clearly that governments have no trouble finding money to pay the rich but say no money can be found to pay for social programs and public services and to guarantee the rights people have by virtue of being human.

Governments, workers and private enterprises all make claims on the value the working class produces. How much those claims should be and where the value goes clearly relate to who decides.

For example, in Ontario, the Ford government is intensifying the anti-social offensive. This relates to who decides the claims on the value workers produce and where the value should go. How then do the people find and enforce an alternative to the anti-social offensive where the people can decide and enforce where to invest the claims on the value workers produce.

The Motivation for Production and Work

To find an alternative to the anti-social offensive and who presently claims the value workers produce and decides where the value should be invested, the people should first focus on the motivation for production and work. Why do we work? What is the purpose regarding the development of the means of production and articles of consumption and the modern infrastructure? According to the outlook and motivation of the rich, the drive to produce those means of production and articles of consumption would be reduced if the drive for individual wealth and competition amongst companies for the value workers produce were replaced with another motivation and outlook.

The Marxist-Leninists have a different view on the matter. They think that the drive to be rich and having the economy divided up into competing parts can only carry an economy and society so far. At a certain point, what has developed so far needs new social forms and an outlook to resolve the problems that have accumulated. New social forms, outlook and motivation have to be created consistent with the developed economy and social conditions, especially the massive means of production, articles of consumption and infrastructure that have come into being.

Most innovation these days comes from scientists and others working within large corporations, the universities and the military. A few are singled out for acclaim and awarded riches but the effort really arises collectively through what society has already developed. In the present social conditions, advance arising from those collective institutions can either be blocked or accepted depending on whether the innovation serves the narrow private interests of a particular company in control within a darkening atmosphere of global competition and war preparations.

In addition to this, solving problems in the social and political fields and the natural environment and how to guarantee the rights that belong to people by virtue of being human do not form part of the motive to be rich. The solutions to those problems have to be found with a new motivation and outlook consistent with the modern social conditions. Those solutions require great collective efforts from the working class in general where no individual is going to become super rich but society itself in its ensemble will be enriched. Workers in general have to see in practice that their efforts will reward themselves personally to have a better and more secure life, as well as assist their peers, collectives and economy and give them assurance that society is advancing and prospering in an atmosphere of unity without threats of war and that solutions can be found to the pressing problems in the social and political fields and natural environment and to guarantee the rights of all.

This article was published in

Number 4 - February 7, 2019

Article Link:
Discussion on How to Fund Social Programs and Other Economic Issues: Part One -- The Necessity for a Motive of Production and Work Consistent with the Modern Social Conditions


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