Lockout at the ABI Smelter in Bécancour, Quebec

Support for Locked-Out Workers Keeps Coming In

Workers from the Raglan mine in northern Quebec visit the locked out ABI workers in Bécancour, February 5, 2019

The 1,300 workers at the ABI smelter in Bécancour have now been locked out for almost 13 months. United Steelworkers Local 9700 reports that discussions have been taking place since January 30 between the union and company representatives. ABI workers demand that the Alcoa/Rio Tinto cartel, the owner of ABI, stop its provocations and negotiate a collective agreement that workers can accept. Issues that were in dispute in December 2017, pension plan funding, seniority in job posting and labour mobility, are still on the table. As well, the owners have added new demands for concessions, including the removal of 20 per cent of unionized jobs at the smelter. This would weaken the union in its organized struggle for workers' rights. The ABI workers are firmly opposed.

Support for ABI workers keeps coming in. On February 5, a delegation representing the 820 unionized workers of the Raglan mine in Nunavik, the most northern region of Quebec, came to support them on their picket lines. These members of USW Local 9449 who are employed by the Glencore mining and metallurgical monopoly have decided to double their monthly contribution to support the ABI workers. "They face a multinational, just as our employer is. We know that negotiations with these big companies are more and more difficult. Their battle is also ours. It is important that they feel that we are with them," said Éric Savard, the President of the Local. Other union locals also provided financial support to Bécancour workers.

ABI workers also continue their tour of unions across Quebec to explain their struggle and mobilize support. In recent weeks, representatives of locked out workers have been meeting with Unifor workers in Baie-Comeau, in the Saguenay region, as well as the Suncor workers in Montreal, who themselves faced a 14-month lockout in 2007.

On February 12, while the workers of ABI are participating in a general meeting of the union to take stock of the situation, the workers of the Rio Tinto aluminum smelter in Alma in Lac-Saint-Jean will travel about five hours by bus to replace them on their picket lines.

Support for ABI workers keeps coming in, strengthening the conviction that their struggle is the struggle of all for their rights and dignity.

This article was published in

Number 4 - February 7, 2019

Article Link:
Lockout at the ABI Smelter in Bécancour, Quebec: Support for Locked-Out Workers Keeps Coming In


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