British Colombia

Ramada Hotel Workers in Prince George Rally
for a Better Contract

On January 23, Ramada Hotel workers -- members of UNITE HERE Local 40 -- organized a spirited rally outside the Prince George hotel demanding a better contract that would significantly improve both their wages and working conditions. They were joined by Prince George residents from multiple unions and work places, as well as from the broader community.

The Ramada workers have been without a wage increase for almost three years, yet the hotel is proposing a two-year wage freeze. The workers currently make about $4/hour less than their counterparts at the Coast Inn in Prince George. In addition, they struggle with heavy workloads and understaffing.

Ramada has invested $6 million in the hotel building recently and has received a $345,000 tax break from the City of Prince George. Yet the hotel refuses to invest in its workers without whom the hotel could not operate. The workers point out that they work hard for the guests, but the Ramada Hotel does not show them the respect they deserve.

As the rally progressed, leaflets were handed out to hotel guests providing information about the unacceptable situation faced by the Ramada workers. Many stopped to learn why the rally was taking place and to hear the request of the workers that, if the Ramada does not address their concerns, guests should choose another hotel the next time they visit Prince George. Similarly, the North Central Labour Council (NCLC) is calling on its member unions to cease business at the Ramada if the workers' demands are not dealt with.

UNITE HERE Local 40 members addressed the rally thanking participants for their support and expressing their determination to get a contract that meets their needs -- similar to the recent successful struggles of other Local 40 workers at the Coast Inn and in food services at the University of Northern BC (UNBC). Among other speakers were Kelly Boudreau, Vice-President of NCLC and President of CUPE Local 1048; along with Dawn Hemingway, a professor with the UNBC Faculty Association and representative of the Stand Up for the North Committee.

With contract negotiations set to resume on February 5, the Ramada workers were clear in their resolve to continue and, if necessary, escalate their fight, until they obtain an acceptable contract. Supporters at the rally were equally clear in their commitment to stand with UNITE HERE Local 40 members.

This article was published in

Number 3 - January 31, 2019

Article Link:
British Colombia: Ramada Hotel Workers in Prince George Rally for a Better Contract


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