U.S. Blockade Violates the Cuban People's Human Rights

December 10, 2020. Cuban consulate in Montreal on Human Rights Day.

On the occasion of December 10, 2020, International Human Rights Day, organizations in Quebec are calling for condemnation of the United States' flagrant and massive violation of the Cuban people's human rights through its imposed economic, financial and commercial blockade. The U.S. embargo has been imposed since 1962 and has been rejected every year since then by most of the international community at the United Nations General Assembly.

Over the last 60 years, the United States has imposed an inhumane blockade on Cuba based on economic sanctions including financial controls, the suspension of aid and technical assistance, the freezing of the Cuban state's financial assets, the imposition of a boycott on transactions of all kinds, along with sanctions on foreign companies involved in trade with Cuba.

Today, in the midst of a global crisis caused by the spread of the COVID-19 virus, which has tested the capacity of all states in guaranteeing the health of their citizens, Cuba has succeeded in controlling the pandemic thanks to its universal and free health care system, its preparedness in the fight against epidemics and natural disasters, and its development of the biotechnology industry.

During a virtual summit of the G20 countries at the end of March, UN Secretary General António Guterres and UN human rights experts expressed the need to lift economic sanctions against countries suffering from this scourge, to avoid a health crisis.

The United States has not responded to the call to relax the blockade against Cuba. To the contrary, the U.S. administration has tightened its sanctions by hitting at the Cuban economy overall, making it impossible to find commercial partners and carry out financial transactions. During the pandemic, this makes it all the more difficult to acquire sanitary equipment and food to adequately care for the Cuban people.

However, despite this illegal blockade, Cuba has been able to respond to the World Health Organization's call, in the spirit of unity and solidarity, to intensify cooperation and collaboration at all levels in order to contain and control the COVID-19 pandemic and mitigate its impact. Upon request, Cuba has sent teams of doctors and support personnel from the Henry Reeve International Cuban Medical Brigade Specialized in Disaster Situations and Serious Epidemics to over 40 countries and territories. Since 2005, the brigade has carried out over 60 missions on four continents by providing the humanitarian expertise of 9,000 health professionals.

We, the signatories of this declaration, condemn attempts by the United States government to manipulate the human rights issue. In November alone, the U.S. Administration added $1 million for its projects of subversion and internal interference in Cuba. This same funding is being used to organize and encourage groups and individuals in different countries with diplomatic representation.

The signatories of this declaration will continue to maintain ties of friendship with Cuba through the strengthening of official relations which Cuba and Canada have maintained since 1945. It should be noted that Canada and Mexico were the only two countries in this hemisphere that did not break off relations with Cuba after the triumph of the 1959 revolution.

On the occasion of International Human Rights Day, NO TO THE BLOCKADE AGAINST CUBA!

(Translated from original French by TML. Photo: Table de concertation de solidarité Québec-Cuba, Adan, CNC)

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 48 - December 12, 2020

Article Link:
U.S. Blockade Violates the Cuban People's Human Rights - Statement by Quebec Organizations on International Human Rights Day


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