Another Warmongering University Network Seeks to Embroil Youth in War Preparations

Canada's Department of National Defence (DND) has announced the creation of another warmongering network of 18 universities whose main aim is to mobilize "the best and the brightest" to take up Canada's war aims. The Network for Strategic Analysis (the "Network") is being launched as part of Canada's "Mobilizing Insights in Defence and Security (MINDS) programme." DND says it is the very first fully bilingual MINDS network "that will offer cutting-edge expertise in Canada's two official languages." This is code for saying that Quebec youth are to be targeted second to none.

The promotional material states, "Our primary mission is to mobilize Canadian and global expertise on three strategic challenges for Canada:

- The evolving role of great powers in a shifting world order (led by Jonathan Paquin, Laval University);
- Multilateral cooperation in international security (led by Sarah-Myriam Martin Brûlé, Bishop's University);
- The future of defence capacity building for global partners (led by Theodore McLauchlin, University of Montreal)."

The three objectives the Network claims to pursue "in this context," are:

"1. Mobilize -- in French and English -- innovative and multidisciplinary research in the field of defence and security in order to develop synergies and amplify the voice of experts;

"2. Disseminate the results of strategic analysis to the Government of Canada, partner organizations and the general public so as to inform political decisions and public debate;

"3. Train the next generation of security and defence experts by integrating students into the development and dissemination of knowledge and through the professional development of young researchers, with a particular concern for equity, diversity and inclusion."

The Network is co-directed by Justin Massie (UQAM) and Stéfanie von Hlatky (Queen's University). It claims to "bring together" "more than 60 renowned scholars and seasoned practitioners. In addition to its research fellows, the Network mobilizes the expertise of international collaborators, and is supported by a Scientific Board and an Advisory Board."

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 45 - November 21, 2020

Article Link:
Another Warmongering University Network Seeks to Embroil Youth in War Preparations


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