Desperate Attempts to Mobilize the Youth for War and War Preparations

The Government of Canada and NATO continue to take measures to embroil the youth in their imperialist wars and war preparations. A recent report from the Center for European Policy Analysis think tank declared, "NATO faces existential threat if it can't reach younger generations." The report said "NATO has not done enough to activate interest in younger European leaders."

"'We need to recognize there is a whole new generation of post-Cold War citizens of the alliance who have grown up in an entirely different environment, and they are already beginning to take up roles in national government, and they have a different set of priorities that are more in line with future threats,' the author of the report, Lauren Speranza, told Defense News.

"'If NATO doesn't bring them into the fold now, we risk this scenario in which NATO is viewed as outdated and doesn't have the buy-in of a next generation of political leaders, and at that point risks retirement.'

"Speranza offered three key areas where the alliance should step up its focus in order to make sure NATO is relevant to that post-Cold War cohort.

"The first is a focus on the nontraditional threats that are well below the Article 5 designation, an area that 'has impact on the everyday lives of millennials and Gen Z in a way that it doesn't current policy makers,' per Speranza. A more proactive effort in that regard (something NATO has begun doing in recent years) would help attract interest in a way that a focus on Article 5, which refers to the alliance's collective defense clause, may not, she said.

"The second is a need to develop a technology and innovation agenda. The private tech industry is always in competition with the defence sector for young talent, and often wins, but NATO also lags behind the Pentagon and the European Union in how it recruits and offers interesting challenges for younger technology experts.

"The third area also dovetails with statements from NATO leadership that it needs to figure out how to relate to China, and what role the alliance may play in the Pacific.

"'There are a lot of next-gen leaders with an interest in Asia, so bringing them in to help inform how partnerships with Asian nations could happen is a good way to benefit both sides,' Speranza said. 'It's not about tearing up the current NATO agenda. It's about finding ways to communicate those priorities with ways that resonate with next-gen leaders.'"

On November 9 in Brussels, "NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg kicked off an all-day NATO 2030 Youth Summit aimed at injecting interest in the alliance into millennial and Generation Z future leaders," Defense News reported.

"'You -- tomorrow's leaders, both in North America and Europe -- have the greatest stake in our security, so NATO 2030 is the chance for you to step up and safeguard your future, your freedom, your Alliance,' Stoltenberg said in his opening comments."

The Centre for European Policy Analysis approved the Summit.

The report from Defense News continues:

"The next-gen summit itself serves as a perfect example of the internal challenges Speranza sees at alliance headquarters. The effort is billed as a way to bring younger voices into NATO at a time when the alliance is undergoing a major review of its future, dubbed NATO 2030, and alliance leadership has announced plans to stand up a Young Leaders group in parallel to the review -- all good moves, on paper.

"But, Speranza says, 'in an ideal world, we would just put a few next-gen representatives on the main Reflection Group instead of running a parallel process.'

"'Oftentimes the next generation wants to be consulted but they get very few opportunities, and it's always under this next-gen label; they don't get to sit at the adults table or get to actually work shoulder to shoulder. By maintaining this divide, we do the Alliance a disservice.'"

The fact is that the younger generations born after the fall of the Soviet Union and the Cold War division of the world into two camps are not infected with the superpowers' Cold War preoccupations. "We are not getting into their games. Every day our efforts of awareness, information and mobilization must ensure that the youth won't be mobilized for imperialist war and won't serve as cannon fodder for the hegemonic wars of the oligarchs and their governments," said Alexandre Cubaynes on behalf of Youth for Democratic Renewal. "Canada must not participate in U.S. imperialist war preparations and must also defend its sovereignty in a meaningful way. By this, we mean that we shall not permit the U.S. imperialists to exercise command and control over Canada's air, land, water and government and military assets. We must withdraw from NATO as well as NORAD and work for an independent foreign policy. This means removing all Canadian soldiers, ships and equipment from foreign territory. Most importantly, it means that Canadians must prepare to establish an anti-war government."

Alexandre stressed that the slogan of the youth is Not a Single Youth for Imperialist War. "Our aim is to establish an anti-war government so that Canada is a factor for peace, not predatory war. An anti-war government would withdraw Canada from NATO, NORAD and other aggressive military bodies and arrangements, and end interference in the affairs of sovereign countries. An anti-war government would work to end the displacement of people as a result of wars of aggression and occupation and to provide humanitarian aid to refugees and victims of natural disasters," he said.

Not a Single Youth for Imperialist War!
Pas un seul jeune pour la guerre impérialiste!

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 45 - November 21, 2020

Article Link:
Desperate Attempts to Mobilize the Youth for War and War Preparations


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