U.S. Election Night and the Two Americas

Listening to U.S. election night on Radio-Canada, or on any other radio or television station for that matter, was a bitter and suffocating experience, what with all the comments and interviews on how it unfolded. As captives, our eyes remained riveted on Donald Trump and Joe Biden. The issues were reduced to an analysis of pros and cons, of fights between Republicans and Democrats, of predictions based on polls, algorithms and statistics that will eventually let us know the outcome.

During the entire evening all that was talked about was the two Americas, the America of Biden and that of Trump, as if the people of the U.S. do not exist, nor their history, their current struggles for justice, for an end to police powers, their demands and claims for peace, for new arrangements. All that was presented were two individuals, one of them supposedly crazier than the other, and that in the end the people of the U.S. would have to choose the better of the two, between the two Americas that, in the end, pursue the same agenda of excluding the people from any power over the destiny of the United States.

The reality, however is that both these Americas, are of the most reactionary ruling elite and are on the same side against the people of the U.S., who are fighting for a new, just, peaceful, anti-war, humane America, without any discrimination, targeting and labelling, and where everyone's life matters. The people of the U.S. are trying to bring in the New, rejecting the Old that the elite is trying to impose upon their conscience and their lives, to prevent them from moving forward. But the people of the U.S. are on the march to have a modern, democratic personality emerge, one which demands the recognition of the rights of all. There is nothing more liberating.

Whatever the election result, it will not change the current challenge facing the people of the U.S. They are in action to change the direction of the United States and they must stay the course and remain focused on what they are in the process of achieving. They are speaking with their deeds and actions from their own experience and rejecting the rhetoric, empty words and pressure of all kinds in the name of the Union, anti-people patriotism, and an outdated and bankrupt constitution. Courage to the people of the U.S. and full support for their struggle to decide!

(Photo: VOR)

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 43 - November 7, 2020

Article Link:
U.S. Election Night and the Two Americas


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