Disinformation to Hide Crisis of Political and Electoral Process

Within the anarchy and chaos which is prevailing in the U.S. election, there is widespread disinformation from various quarters to interpret the vote in a way that distorts what the U.S. working class and people are fighting for so as to divert their struggle for their rights and democratic renewal.

Imperialist media are interpreting what they call the unexpected strong vote for Trump -- unexpected in terms of what the polls predicted -- as showing that millions of U.S. workers are indifferent to the COVID-19 pandemic and how the federal government has handled it and voted for "the economy." The mass struggle of workers of many sectors to protect themselves and the people, especially the most vulnerable, from the spread of the pandemic is denied and hidden behind a wall of silence and treated as taboo by the monopoly media. The media speak of "two Americas," portrayed as the Trump version versus the Biden version, in which a vote for Trump is said to show indifference to the pandemic while a vote for Biden shows concern. The two Americas in contention are not Biden's and Trump's but the ruling elite and its worn out unrepresentative democracy versus the people's fight for rights and a new democracy of their own making.

The U.S. workers and people do not decide the issues in these elections. They do not control the process. Those with immense privilege and power and their political representatives, known for their anti-social offensive against the people -- including racist attacks, deportation of migrants, foreign wars and interference to achieve regime change abroad -- control the process. The will and the consciousness of workers and people is not reflected or expressed in this electoral process. The only way workers can express their will and consciousness is through their own work, discussion and deliberation on the problems the class and the society are facing and working out pro-social solutions to these problems so that the crises that are tearing society apart are resolved in a way that benefits the people.

A suggestion is made that when the workers and people stand up to the provocations of the Trump side -- including the call for political strikes if Trump refuses to leave if he is defeated -- they are defending the status quo of the U.S. electoral process and institutions.

This is not the case. Workers are ready to go into action to make sure that a coup is not organized on the basis of what Trump calls opposing "illegal votes" and the Democrats' "stealing the elections" but the content of this action goes far beyond the confines of the current electoral process and the U.S. democracy. It is a fight to oppose further descent into anarchy and chaos, which means further disempowerment of the people through violence. It is a fight for the rights and well-being of all, against their disempowerment which is a feature of the nation-wrecking anti-social offensive and increased warmongering that has been going on for decades. It is a fight for the renewal of democracy so that people can affect changes in the direction of the economy and politics and exercise control.

The U.S. workers and people are facing serious challenges and Canadian workers must vigorously support them, which includes making sure that Canada does not line up behind the warring factions of the U.S. ruling elite, and stepping up the fight against Canada's integration into the U.S. war economy.

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 43 - November 7, 2020

Article Link:
Disinformation to Hide Crisis of Political and Electoral Process


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