Readers' Views

Chaotic Elections Process Fails to Address All-Sided Crisis in U.S.

November 2, 2020. Vigil in Buffalo, New York, organized by National Nurses United to honour health care workers who have died of COVID-19 and to fight for their rights and those of their patients. (NNU)

At this point (as of the morning of November 4), the U.S. elections are being turned into theatre of the absurd as Donald Trump is claiming victory even though millions of ballots are yet to be counted. This chaotic situation facing the people of the U.S. could not have turned out any other way because during the lead-up to the elections every aspect of the elections process was in dispute between the two parties which dominate elections in the U.S. on behalf of the ruling elite. The ongoing accusations of fraud, cheating and lies during the run-up to Election Day exposed that the antagonistic divisions among the ruling elite are so deep that even the elections process, which they have always controlled, is in such severe crisis that it can no longer be used to determine which of the two dominant parties will rule for the next four years.

With 134.5 million votes counted, Biden has 258 Electoral College votes with 50 per cent of the popular vote, while Trump stands at 213 Electoral Votes with 48.4 per cent of the popular vote (270 Electoral College votes are needed to win the presidential race). These numbers are based on the vote in states where one of the candidates has either been declared the winner or is leading. Votes are still being counted in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Georgia, Arizona and Nevada.

It is important to remember that these elections are taking place at a time when the U.S. is facing serious dangers due to the increasing levels of COVID-19 infections. The latest statements by Public Health officials warn that this is a period of the "most concerning and most deadly phase of the pandemic."[1] With the vicious infighting over the result of the elections, the dangers faced by the people continue to be ignored. This has further exposed a broken system which is incapable of looking after the needs of the people.

The deep crisis in which the ruling elite are mired is in sharp contrast to the growing movement of the working class and people across the U.S. who have been in action demanding fundamental changes to the existing broken system. Workers from many sectors of the economy continue to demand protections from COVID-19 in workplaces and communities and have also gone into action to oppose racism which they have identified as another deadly disease ravaging the U.S. that must be eradicated. Police killings, decades of racial discrimination in health care, housing, unemployment, education, criminal justice and an unending list of injustices are inspiring the movement of the people in the U.S. for change and to build a modern society which is capable of defending the rights of all.

At this time as the U.S. working class and people face the perilous situation created by the ruling elite in their contention for control of the U.S. economy, the Canadian working class stands as one with the movement of the workers and people who are putting forward their own demands for a modern society which upholds the rights of all.


1. From an internal memo by Dr. Deborah Birx, member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force.

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 43 - November 7, 2020

Article Link:
Readers' Views: Chaotic Elections Process Fails to Address All-Sided Crisis in U.S.


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