Results of U.S. Elections Do Not Reflect Consciousness of the Working Class

The ruling circles of U.S. imperialism and their mass media have flooded the airwaves with the famous red and blue board representing the electoral map of the United States. Television, internet, newspapers, radio and so on point to the acute division in the country that their picture shows. This division between blue and red allegedly reflects the will of the people of the U.S. Worse, it is said to represent the consciousness of the U.S. working class. All evening on election night we were told again and again that the blue collar workers and the people in the rural U.S. were supporting Donald Trump. It was also said that many unionized workers in the major industrial states such as Pennsylvania and Michigan voted for Trump. All sorts of nonsense is said to explain why U.S. workers prefer Trump to Biden -- that they like his frankness in saying what he thinks without a politician's filter, that he denounces the establishment, that he works for his country, that he does not impose "extreme sanitary measures," etc.

From the other side, it is said that U.S. workers prefer Biden because he has the support of the big central labour bodies and Trump is the enemy of the unions. Biden represents social-democracy, which is said to be more pro-working class, as well as supporting state arrangements that enable the large trade union organizations to have a say. According to this, the Democratic Party is the natural party of U.S. workers.

The imperialist ruling circles and their factions are not just trying to impose their backward outlook on the working class. They are also trying to impose a false consciousness on the working class to serve their own narrow interests. This will not work forever. The U.S. working class is working to solve this problem once and for all and to define democracy in its own interests, and not be defined by an alien social class which is antagonistic to its interests.

The U.S. elections have shown how bankrupt the political institutions of the rich have become, how they serve the rich and represent only the rich. The hundreds of millions of dollars that was spent by both sides to gain recognition and get elected are like a caricature of what American democracy has become. American institutions have lost so much credibility and legitimacy that serious political discussion is destroyed before it can even begin. It can be seen that these institutions are used to block efforts to be independent of the big imperialist cartel parties. The broad resistance movement and the increasing role of the workers in it however is developing independent actions, as seen in the refusal to be diverted by elections and the strengthening of the fight for rights.  A problem being taken up for solution is the need for the people's own institutions that allow for discussion and decision-making and further development of the political working class consciousness needed.

The big imperialist bourgeoisie wants to invent a fake and artificial consciousness of the working class based on its crisis-ridden institutions. It can't work. The big media can repeat ad nauseam that the working class voted for this or that person or this or that party, but they forget that the consciousness of the working class is transformed every day in its struggle for its rights and the right to be. All the bourgeoisie can do is to imprison the vote for its narrow interests within the framework of its political system which is in crisis. But that is all. In any case, that's all it seeks because its only goal is to monopolize supreme power.

The only real thing that can be seen in the red and blue picture is the rotting consciousness of the imperialist big bourgeoisie. The true consciousness of the working class is being formed by the resistance struggle that is taking place throughout the United States. It is this new consciousness that represents change and the future for the American people.

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 43 - November 7, 2020

Article Link:
Results of U.S. Elections Do Not Reflect Consciousness of the Working Class


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