Trying to Present Biden As a Stalwart Who Will Unify the Country

This election to secure the presidency of the United States -- a main source of power and resources for the financial oligarchs -- has become a vicious fight between coalitions that fluctuate while simultaneously doing their utmost to convince the people to save the outdated democracy which no longer serves anyone. While Trump continues to espouse his brutal "law and order" agenda, Joe Biden has been presented as the one who can quell the resistance movement raging across the country and unify the warring factions within the ruling circles.

The Trump administration has obliged the demand of the financial oligarchs that the president be able to act with impunity, without regard for the law or existing constitutional arrangements. They want no limits on their ability to serve their narrow private interests. To achieve this, Trump positioned himself and was positioned as an outsider, someone who was not a member of the "Washington establishment" and associated perceptions of corruption, cronyism and self-interest. "We have ended the rule of the failed political class," Trump said. This portrayal has been seen as necessary to contend with the fact that the existing institutions, such as Congress, are dysfunctional. Every effort has been made to end the prerogatives of Congress and extend those of the President.

This was also evident during the Republican National Convention when both Trump and his wife spoke from the White House to emphasize the power of the presidency. The same can be said when Secretary of State Mike Pompeo spoke from Jerusalem while on a state visit. A Secretary of State is not even supposed to intervene in the campaign, let alone blur the line between campaigning and governing. Such actions serve to indicate that the rulers are no longer even trying to hide the fact that they have completely usurped the prerogative powers of government to serve their private interests. There is no longer any line in the sand, if ever there was one, as there is no regard for what has in the past constituted "the public" or government in the service of a "public good."

Biden and the Democratic Convention also had little to say about the role of Congress, and, like Trump, he focused on the presidency being decisive. He also made clear that he is "a stalwart," loyal to the status quo who will also use the presidency to provide unlimited resources to the oligarchs while keeping the people out of power.

"None of the things I'm talking about are inconsistent with a free market, not inconsistent with capitalism," Biden declared. He has announced plans to provide more than $1 trillion in government handouts to the oligarchs, especially the oligopolies involved in war production based in auto and steel. Massive amounts of public dollars are promised to the private financiers to finance debts incurred.

 Recurrent themes in Biden's speeches include: "We have to unite America;" "If we can't unite America, we're done;" "we're dead;" "I've long said America is at its best when we act as one nation, one America."

Certainly the many millions demonstrating and the many millions more who support them do not see their America, their fight for change that favours the people, as "done" or "dead." This morbid preoccupation with defeat and death mainly refers to the threat posed by the sharpening conflicts and divisions within the ranks of the rulers and the possibility of violent civil war. Biden is putting himself forward as the champion who can unite the military bureaucracy and overcome divisions between federal, state and local elected officials and policing agencies. This distinguishes him from Trump who has failed on this score and merely resorts to repeating that everything can be achieved on the basis of law and order suppression. How Biden will achieve the miracles he promises is of course where the rub lies. He stresses addressing criminal justice reform, voting and cyber security for elections. He says that by first setting the democracy straight at home, he can then deal with it abroad.

His image as someone who "can bring people together" brings with it the implication that he will work first at uniting the industrial and civil authorities, such as those at the state and local level. His choice of Kamala Harris as Vice-President in part serves this purpose. It is hoped that her extensive ties and knowledge of state's attorneys general and policing agencies will serve to peacefully unify state and local forces under federal leadership.

By presenting himself as a loyal and reliable force for the status quo, Biden also makes clear that nothing he is saying goes beyond providing opportunity. He regularly says that everybody deserves "just a shot," and that he will be sure it is "everybody" and not just some. "This is our moment to imagine, and to build a new American economy for our families and for our communities, an economy where every American, every American has a chance to get a fair return for the work they put in, an equal chance to get ahead," Biden says.

People are indeed demanding a new direction for the economy, one where the rights of the people take centre stage, such as the right to health care, education, a livelihood and housing for all, not just "access" and a "chance" which are nothing if not a repetition of what is inherent to the failed "American Dream." Biden himself states that "over 56 per cent of the American people think their kids will never, never reach the standard of living they had." People have reached this conclusion based on their actual experience that the existing economic and political relations cannot provide equality and rights to decide issues like policing, health care, war and peace, but this is totally ignored.

The "American Dream" of the rulers lies in tatters. The "America" the people were raised to believe in revealed its true colours as never before in the "shock and awe" aggression against Iraq and the torture camps of the Bush regime which showed the essence of American democracy, freedom and rights. 

Far from the Obama administration overcoming the humiliation, Americans then suffered the loss of their homes when the housing bubble burst and Obama responded by bailing out the criminals on Wall Street. The Obama doctrine of drone warfare to assassinate innocent civilians in far-flung lands in the name of catching terrorists and saving American lives did not restore faith in the American Dream nor did his role as Deporter-in-Chief -- a tyranny taken further by Donald Trump. The claims of the Biden camp that he will try to achieve the same thing in a manner which is more "fair" will come to naught. He is offering some public housing, for example, and repeating that there will be millions of "good paying union jobs." It is yesteryear all over again.

It is all pie in the sky so long as there is no role for the people in deciding how the promised massive investment in federal funds are to be used, who will pay for them and who decides -- all with no guarantee of the right to housing and jobs.

Biden is attempting to divert from the existing reality where an increasingly tiny group of powerful oligarchs have usurped power and use governments entirely for their own narrow private interests -- which are directly against the interests of the peoples in the U.S. and abroad. This old notion of equal opportunity as a solution is indeed dead and hardly likely to quell the growing demands for people's empowerment, for the people themselves to govern and decide.

As the people say, you have to be asleep to believe in the American Dream.

(Photos: VOR, L. Bloom)

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 42 - November 1, 2020

Article Link:
Trying to Present Biden As a Stalwart Who Will Unify the Country


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