A Moment of Reckoning

July 29, 2020. Wall of Veterans, and behind them Wall of Moms, form the front lines in protest demanding end to police violence and impunity in Portland, Oregon.

The experience of the resistance movement in the United States and with the Trump presidency reveals first and foremost how decision-making takes place in the United States and who controls the decision-making process. This was also revealed by the presidencies which preceded this one, no matter what period of history or circumstances, or the personality of the president or style of his rule or political party which was said to have come to power. 

Nonetheless, with the advent of the neo-liberal arrangements after the collapse of the former Soviet Union, a virulent counterrevolution moved in to occupy the space for change. The demand of the imperialists prevailed that all those who do not espouse a market economy, a multiparty democracy and human rights as defined by the imperialists, are rogue and illegitimate. This counterrevolutionary drive of the imperialists, in turn, exacerbated all the contradictions inherent in a system based on relations of production which can no longer contain the productive forces or control them.

Violence became the preferred method of control and to quell all opposition. States of exception and rule on the basis of emergency powers have become permanent, all in the name of preserving the liberal democratic institutions, bringing the coronavirus under control, peace and other justifications which prove themselves to be as irrational as they are unsustainable.

Despite the U.S. declaring itself the "indispensable nation" and the U.S. democracy "the most advanced in the world," the material conditions do not abide by the wishes of the rulers.

Today, the clash between the governing authority and the people over where the country is headed is deepening in an unprecedented manner. As the persistence of the resistance to U.S. rule shows, the demands for equality, justice and accountability cannot be silenced or stopped. Everywhere people are making clear that the elections will not decide these issues; they will be settled by the people and their fight for rights to be recognized on a modern basis.

Rejection of the Juridical Viewpoint

In this regard, people are rejecting the juridical viewpoint pushed on them to salvage the anachronistic democratic institutions which perpetuate the existence of an authority which rules over them. This juridical viewpoint is one of the obstacles facing the people of the United States at this time which they are rejecting.

A main feature of this viewpoint is for problems to be looked at as being legal or illegal. This viewpoint is intended to draw everyone into providing solutions that defend the existing anachronistic democratic institutions and draw everyone into a pro and con debate. This also directs attention to, and often reliance on, the courts and state agencies to settle the issues.

It is a limited and narrow view stuck within existing arrangements which have led to an unprecedented clash between the conditions and the authority, between the Old striving futilely and irrationally for immortality and the New striving to be born so that a new authority is established which is consistent with the conditions today.

The juridical viewpoint leaves the people and their drive for empowerment out of the equation altogether. They are not seen as the force for change. Their discussion and organizing for empowerment are not to occur. The monopoly media play their role in taking and keeping debate for or against Biden or Trump, all to stymie the broad discontent with the whole set up that exists in the U.S. and suppress the people's striving for change which favours them, not the rulers who are clearly not fit to govern.

Similarly, attempts to use the sentiment against Trump to draw people into this pro and con debate confine discussion within the existing arrangements rather than elaborating that the system is dysfunctional and new arrangements of people's empowerment are needed and what they may be.

A Period of Transition

We are in a period of transition. The old arrangements do not function and do not serve us -- while the New is yet to be born. Organizing must be directed to facilitating that birth and to uniting all who are favoured by empowerment to join these efforts to develop modern institutions, modern collective forms where the people themselves are the decision-makers.

Fidelity must be to the ensemble of human relations and what they reveal, not to the old arrangements of the U.S. Constitution and what is called civil society. As we join our counterparts in the United States by fighting within our own country on all the issues which concern civil rights, our vantage point -- how we look at problems -- cannot be a juridical vantage point. We do not limit ourselves to defending civil rights. Unlike the rulers, we say the conflicting interests involved as concerns individual and collective interests in relation to the general interest; and all individuals and all collectives in relation to the common good can be harmonized. Individual and collective interests can be put on a par by providing democracy with a modern definition suitable to the needs today. A modern definition of democracy, in content and form, is required to accomplish this. The endeavour to bring that definition into being will constitute the modern democratic personality which suits the world today.

Harmonizing interests is the act of being of the democratic personality. A modern democracy is a means by which to ensure that such a democratic personality can flourish.

Rights are not privileges which rulers can give or take away based on whether the giving or taking benefits them. They cannot be sacrificed on the altar of elections. Equality is not a god-given inalienable right interpreted as a social construct subject to manipulation by those who rule. It is linked to membership in the collective body and belongs to all as a matter of their objective being. As an attribute inherent to its modern definition, equality confers on all members of the body politic the right to participate in arriving at the decisions which affect their lives and to implement them, sum up the experience of their implementation and trace a path forward from there. Only if the fundamental principle of equality is recognized on a modern objective basis can those who violate the decisions of the collective be held to account.

The current election in the United States imparts nothing akin to equality. It is the ongoing and broadening struggle of the working people of all origins and creeds which imparts the equality conferred by membership. A modern democracy will enshrine such an equality which bans racism, discrimination  and all abuse of the human person and of the social and natural environment. It will ban the use of force in settling conflicts within and between nations, provide economic well-being and protect the social and natural environment.

People are expressing their deepest desires through their demands. In order to realize their aims, they are drawing the warranted conclusion that forms of struggle from the past, based on the Constitution and what it informs in the way of definitions and ways and means, have to be changed. New forms are needed so that the working people can grasp and fight for the realization of those demands which could improve their situation, bring peace, democracy and justice, and protect the natural and social environment. The new situation demands a new approach and solutions that working people want.

In this regard, at this time, the usual election efforts and propaganda to embroil the people by lining them up behind one candidate or the other of the two main cartel parties vying for power, Republicans and Democrats, convince no one that they can rely on the politicians of the rich and their rule to resolve the problems they face. Government at all levels has shown itself to be racist and thoroughly undemocratic. This is evident in the elections themselves, as voter suppression of various kinds is widespread and the whole set up is racist and discriminatory and obviously designed to maintain the relations which keep the narrow private interests in power.

The crucial part of the reckoning taking place is that people see the necessity to keep matters in their own hands and are organizing for a democracy of their own making.

The example of the nurses across the United States organizing vigils the week before the election to mourn the dead and fight for the living shows the consciousness which has imbued the movement. The nurses are targeting all elected officials for their failures concerning COVID-19. Many others have planned actions for after the elections as well.

The stand is firm: it is the people and their fight for the rights of all which achieve accountability and redress. A modern democracy must be brought into being which invents arrangements suitable to the working people no matter what their race, national origin, gender, creed or belief.

Security lies not in better use of police powers but in the fight for the rights of all. It is a moment of reckoning across the country; a time when the effects of all the past injustices have caught up with those who form the ruling class and have benefited from them.

After these elections, nothing will remain as it has been. The people's will must prevail to make sure the outcome favours them, not imperialism and all reaction.

(Photos: S. Malgarejo, N. Glaros, T. Phan-Quang)

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 42 - November 1, 2020

Article Link:
A Moment of Reckoning - Pauline Easton


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