2020 U.S. Elections

In This Issue

This issue of TML Weekly and its Supplement are devoted to the U.S. election which will be held on November 3. The aim is to provide readers with views, commentary and analysis, and information to help them grapple with what is pertinent and what is not in the election and to go to the heart of the matter of what is taking place in that country. It is crucial to lift the veil on the disinformation aimed at keeping the people disempowered.

TML Weekly calls on its readers to not get caught up in the disinformation which is being ratcheted up a hundredfold as the U.S. election draws near. Reject all discourse which leaves the people out of the equation or blames the people for the outcome or declares that the vote counts or that the people confer a mandate or that the military should intervene in any way.

The contradictions in the ranks of the U.S. rulers have become sharper as they strive to restructure all hitherto known arrangements to directly seize hold of the political power and not permit any arrangements to stand in their way. Canada's state is integrated into that of the U.S. imperialists and their imperialist system of states. The developments and conflicts of interest in this country are an extension of the civil war raging within the U.S. ruling class which the election will not settle. Thus, the dangers facing not only the people of the United States but also the Canadian and Quebec peoples and the peoples of the world increase. Only the people's striving for empowerment to bring a modern democratic personality into being which puts the people and their decision-making at centre stage can avert the dangers and bring about the kind of change the people need.

The U.S. democracy is in deep crisis because it is not rule by the people, of the people and for the people. Elections are a fraud from A to Z because U.S. citizens do not select the candidates, set their agenda or even vote for them and there is no way the rulers can be held to account.

On the occasion of the 2020 elections taking place in the United States, TML Weekly salutes the fighting people of the United States. We take this opportunity to hail their courageous and relentless resistance against racism, police brutality and impunity, and for equality and justice.

It is the people's determination to exercise control over all the decisions which pertain to matters of concern to them which counts. It is the fight of the New against the Old. We are confident that this presidential election, no matter its outcome and the dangers which lie ahead, will not divert the broad people's resistance from achieving its aims. This resistance is based on a determination to achieve justice, accountability and redress -- most worthy demands which are consistent with the call of history and the needs of the day.

TML Weekly urges its readers to actively participate in finding out what this year's election to the presidency of the United States is all about. We welcome your views and contributions. Please send to editor@cpcml.ca.

(Photos: VOR, Layayette County Democrats)

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 42 - November 1, 2020

Article Link:
2020 U.S. Elections: In This Issue


Website:  www.cpcml.ca   Email:  editor@cpcml.ca