BC Election

The Results

Preliminary standings based on the ballots cast on election day, October 24, are NDP 55, Liberals 29, Greens three and no independents elected. Elections BC predicts final results will be available around November 16, due to the large number of absentee ballots (i.e. people who cast ballots away from their constituency) and mailed ballots. These standings may change on final count, but not enough to change the NDP majority.

Standings in the legislature at dissolution were: NDP 41, Liberals 41, Greens two, Independent two and one seat vacant.

Elections BC reports voter turnout was "at least" 52.4 per cent. Final numbers of votes cast, members of the legislative assembly (MLAs) elected and standings of the parties in the legislature will not be known until the final count is completed. It was extended because of the large number of mail-in ballots due to the pandemic. Numbers of ballots received are still changing daily.

To ease the pressure on polling stations and maintain Public Health protocols, voters were encouraged to request ballots by mail which could be returned by mail or delivered to Elections BC offices in the constituencies. The number of mail-in ballots that had been received by Elections BC and forwarded to constituency offices by October 29 was approximately 525,000 which does not include ballots dropped off directly at Elections BC constituency offices. Of the 1,827,201 ballots so far accounted for, 1,217,201 were cast at advance polls or on October 24, with the remainder absentee and mail-in ballots.

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 41 - October 31, 2020

Article Link:
BC Election: The Results


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