Mexico's Statement

Esteemed Ministers,
Esteemed representatives.

It is an honour for me to participate in this 50th regular session of the General Assembly of the Organization of American States on behalf of my country, as well as the President of Mexico Andrés Manuel López Obrador and Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard.

We meet in unusual circumstances due to the COVID-19 pandemic that has represented a great challenge for the world and, in particular, for our hemisphere.

That is why Mexico participates in this event to reaffirm its multilateralist vocation. We consider that cooperation is an essential pillar of peaceful coexistence among nations and of the search for solutions to the common challenges that we face.

Mexico is no stranger to the fact that in the hemisphere there are difficulties in political dialogue that have halted important advances on numerous issues.

Faced with these events, the Fourth Transformation of Mexico's public life, led by President López Obrador, will always defend the principles of non-intervention, self-determination of the peoples, the peaceful solution of disputes, and respect, protection and promotion of human rights.

For this reason, we reaffirm Mexico's historical position against the unilateral economic and financial sanctions implemented as a means of pressure. The greatest victims of these are always those most in need, a reason that makes them unacceptable.

On the other hand, Mexico has expressed, on different occasions, the desire that the peoples of Nicaragua and Venezuela soon find a peaceful and democratic solution to the situation in their countries, preserving at all times their legitimate right to decide on their destiny. Mexico opposes any measure that seeks to exclude a member state of our Organization from the political dialogue.

Mexico is also concerned about the recent trend of going beyond the technical nature of Electoral Observation Missions. We emphasize that the actions of the Electoral Observation Missions must be impartial in nature, limited to logistical and institutional support and that they are conducted under the principles of rationality, transparency, austerity and accountability.

Democracy is also strengthened by eliminating corruption. Mexico renews its commitment to combat this scourge by incorporating an active citizenry to keep an eye on government actions.

In terms of human rights, Mexico maintains its firm support for the rights of Indigenous peoples, the LGBT population, and gender equality.

Likewise, Mexico reaffirms its full support for the Inter-American Human Rights System and stresses the importance of respecting its autonomy. My country will remain committed to strengthening the work of the Commission and the Court.

In terms of comprehensive development, we must continue working on strengthening measures for comprehensive disaster risk management, in order to face the threats of climate change.

However, in terms of cooperation, it is worth noting the indifference with which the OAS has behaved in this pandemic.

We note with concern the lack of concrete actions by the General Secretariat during this health emergency.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

My country reiterates that the OAS General Secretariat must always act within its own institutional framework and avoid making any pronouncement on behalf of the membership. It is the member states, and not the General Secretariat, who decide the direction of the Organization.

In this sense, we note the configuration of a worrying pattern of action on the part of the General Secretariat, consisting of using its administrative powers to make political decisions that impact the direction of the Organization, without previously submitting them to the consideration of the membership.

Such decisions lack legal support and the necessary information that allows knowing their motivation and objectives. Such is the case with the appointment of a special advisor on the responsibility to protect. This subject should have been raised for consultation and discussed exhaustively within the Organization. Mexico views this appointment with great concern.

We observe the same pattern regarding the refusal of the General Secretariat to renew the mandate of the Executive Secretary of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. We firmly reiterate that these actions undermine the autonomy and independence of the Commission.

Likewise, we corroborate this performance in the 2019 Bolivian elections, where the General Secretariat used the Electoral Observation Mission in a factious manner to denounce an alleged fraud without previous verification. The elections last Sunday [October 18] in that country showed the same electoral trend as in 2019.

This factious use generated instability, violence and constitutional disorder in Bolivia, and created an international environment of confrontation. The General Secretariat is not there to qualify elections or governments. Therefore, Mexico suggests that Mr. Luis Almagro submit to a process of self-criticism based on his actions against the OAS Charter and for damaging Bolivia's democracy, to determine if he still has the necessary moral authority to lead this organization.

My country denounces the Secretary General's desire to intervene in the internal affairs of our States and to hurt our democracies. What happened in Bolivia must never be repeated.

Yesterday marked a year since the Bolivian elections in which Evo Morales was the winner. One year later, the MAS was ratified and Luis Arce was elected President on a peaceful and democratic election day, an example for the whole world, much to the regret of you, Secretary General and your Electoral Observation Mission. The Bolivian people have given you a historical lesson, hopefully you will learn it.

As long as you continue to lead the Organization, the repercussions of what happened in Bolivia will always be present. You have delegitimized the Electoral Observation Missions and led the organization to clash with the current democratic reality in the region.

Mexico, in adherence to its solid multilateralist tradition and its constitutional foreign policy principles, will continue to promote dialogue and diplomacy as the best way to seek common and consensual solutions. This is what we have done at the head of CELAC, and deeply appreciate the vote of confidence of all Latin American and Caribbean countries to continue leading it next year.

We reiterate the call of Mexico to privilege the unity of the peoples of America.

Thank you very much.

(October 20, 2020. Translated from original Spanish by TML.)

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 40 - October 24, 2020

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Mexico's Statement >


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