Mexican Congress for Sovereignty Marks 10th Anniversary

Sixth National Convention Highlights
Achievements and Challenges

On October 2, the Congress for Sovereignty held its Sixth National Convention on the 10th anniversary of its founding under the theme "The People Take Up Their Sovereignty."

On that occasion, and after months of discussion among all the members of the organization, 13 resolutions were adopted that reflect the will to provide the country with a concrete program to move forward after the COVID-19 pandemic, for the realization of the sovereignty and well-being of the people. Due to the restrictions imposed by the pandemic, the Congress convened its national convention live via Zoom and Facebook. Some 1,300 people were thus able to participate in the public session of the convention.

Highlights of the national convention included the presentation of the Sovereignty Award of Merit and paying tribute to the renowned Mexican Victoria Novelo, as well as to two of our close companions, Jesus Escamilla and Virgilio Caballero. As well, José Crespo, the former Bolivian Ambassador to Mexico, who is currently a political refugee in our country, delivered a message to the convention and explained the current situation in Bolivia. Messages and videos were also received during the convention from the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) and the U.S. Marxist-Leninist Organization. The convention also adopted a resolution to join the international campaign to award the Nobel Peace Prize to Cuba's Henry Reeve Medical Brigade for its international solidarity work. A special moment was also devoted to the important issue of water and a message of greetings was received from Pedro Moctezuma, national coordinator of Agua para Tod@s.

Finally, as part of the cultural program in which several songs about the struggles waged by the people were performed, there was a tribute to the 43 students from the teachers college in Ayotzinapa who were disappeared six years ago, with the performance of the song Camino, composed in their honour.

Below are the titles of the 13 resolutions adopted by the Congress for Sovereignty at its Sixth National Convention:

1. Guaranteeing the rights and integrity of women;

2. Prioritizing the health and well-being of the people;

3. Solidarity economy and a sovereign state;

4. Food sovereignty;

5. Financial sovereignty and the suspension of debt payments;

6. Education;

7. Culture, identity and historical memory;

8. Water for all;

9. Guaranteed labour rights;

10. Cancellation of mining concessions and protection of the environment;

11. Defence of human rights denied by capitalism;

12. Democratic renewal and a new constitution;

13. International solidarity. Respect for sovereignty.

Looking back to when the Congress for Sovereignty was founded in Mexico City on October 2, 2010, the country was marking the 200th anniversary of its independence and the 100th anniversary of the start of the Mexican Revolution. The Congress was founded for us to take up our sovereignty in leading the struggles to carry forward our liberation movement into the 21st century.

In 2010, at the initiative of Mexteki,[1] following 16 years of a process of economic integration, five years of energy and security policy integration, and three years of our country's military integration with the United States of North American Monopolies, the Congress for Sovereignty raised the banner of full independence for Mexico and for an end to the neo-colonial, neo-liberal and pro-business regime promoted by the Institutional Renewal Party of National Action (PRIAN).

The task that the Congress for Sovereignty took up 10 years ago was to contribute to a regime change to transform Mexico into a country in which the people rule and remain independent from the project for its integration into the North American region as a bloc linked to the U.S. Empire. Our slogan was and remains: that the people assume their sovereignty! We call for the unity of all people in the struggle for sovereignty irrespective of their ideology, political party, religious beliefs, age, gender, skin colour, national origin, socio-economic situation, sexual orientation or lifestyle.

These have been 10 years of relentless work which have seen our action develop throughout the Mexican Republic and our relations with the peoples of the world fighting for their sovereignty with consistency and commitment expanded. From our trenches, we support struggles internationally as well as across the Americas; we strengthen our ties with the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as with those in the U.S. and Canada, and support the struggles of the peoples of the rest of the planet.

The decisions of our organization are collective, discussed in depth and voted on democratically. Our action is not determined by events but through a plan preconceived by all. Our action makes us a factor of unity within the movement. We seek to eliminate the pressure that people only have to follow the leader, so that everyone can act consciously and collectively. For consciousness to develop, we accept the premise that understanding requires the conscious participation of the individual, an act of finding out, within the framework of collective action. Nothing can be learned with the attitude of simply following in a passive and conformist manner. Our decisions are based on action, the experience of the struggle and our goal of the triumph of national and popular sovereignty, of the sovereignty of each region and locality.

We have defended a program and national project above personal interests. We act to defend the unity of the democratic movement and indeed, the unity within our organization is vital; we reject personal or dogmatic attacks that divert us from the main struggle and serve only our enemies.

During our national convention in May 2012, we decided to support the struggle to bring down the PRIAN and to support Andrés Manuel López Obrador's candidacy for the presidency. That same year we supported the creation of Morena[2] to defeat the PRIAN regime and reverse the energy, educational and other reforms promoted by the Pact for Mexico. We supported the creation of committees across the country and fought for the democratization of Mexico.

The call for political and economic sovereignty implies the sovereignty of the agricultural and industrial sectors and of services of all kinds.

Within that context, we carried out local work in one of the municipalities of Mexico City and, with the support of the people of Azcapotzalco, assumed its governance. We did this without money or concessions. And, despite the regime having assured there would be continuity in that delegation, we defeated the entire fraudulent vote-buying apparatus and demonstrated that people can succeed if they go into action.

During the 2015-2018 period we developed a democratic government, confronting the power of the federal government, of the central government of Mexico City and local provocations. We worked on a project in which the popular will -- despite all the pressures -- was placed above realtors, influence peddlers, water hoarders and criminal mafias.

Once the objective of defeating the neo-liberal regime led by the PRIAN was attained, thanks to the electoral mobilization of 30 million Mexicans which gave Andrés Manuel López Obrador the presidency, a process, referred to as the Fourth Transformation, began. We need to work so that this fourth transformation of our country results in the defeat of neo-colonialism and the construction of a fully sovereign country. Following the electoral triumph of July 1, 2018, the Congress for Sovereignty held its Fourth National Convention, during which a National Project in the form of seven resolutions, which summarize the main issues, was approved:

1. The defence of energy sovereignty and the sovereignty of strategic sectors;

2. Self-sufficiency and defence of food sovereignty;

3. Water, oil and mines are riches for Mexicans;

4. Rejection of the integration of Mexico into the United States of North American Corporations;

5. Strengthening of the social and popular economy and the defence of migrants in the United States and Mexico;

6. Defence of the rights of all;

7. Peace, security and justice.

Pablo Moctezuma Barragán is the national spokesperson for the Congress for Sovereignty.


1. Mexteki is the Marxist-Leninist organization, Union of Mexican Workers.

2. Morena is the organization founded by Andrés Manuel López Obrador in 2011, first as a movement then registered as a political party. The party won the 2018 elections and currently forms the federal government, the government of the National Capital, and heads the Congress in several states across the country as well as over a thousand municipal governments.

(Translated from original Spanish by TML. Photos: Mexteki.)

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 40 - October 24, 2020

Article Link:
Sixth National Convention Highlights
Achievements and Challenges 


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