Trudeau Government's Foreign Policy

Attempts to Justify Anglo-American Imperialist Restructuring of International Institutions and World Order

The Trudeau government's conception of reality, manifest in Prime Minister Trudeau's presentation to the annual session of the United Nations General Assembly on September 25, is becoming horribly entangled in its own machinations and prejudices. The Trudeau government makes a perpetual muddle of how it perceives unfolding events and the results of the neo-liberal world order but this is not the worst of it. Its deadly vice is unbridled chauvinism in favour of anachronistic Anglo-American liberal democratic institutions, a lust for itself, its megalomania, and an intolerant attitude towards all those who espouse values of their own, based on their right to be. This intolerant attitude is racist and leads to violence.

Its conception of reality does not meet even the most minimum standards of human cognition. Informed by "Third Way" dogma and NATO, it is in accord with the likes of the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft and the U.S. Council on Foreign Relations, both of which have endorsed Joe Biden for the presidency of the United States.

It is a conception of reality based on anti-consciousness deliberately directed towards covering up reality, distorting it and making sure that the striving of the peoples of the world for empowerment and to make sure the New prevails over the Old is blocked. And all of it is done in the name of "change" and "renewal," "green solutions," "multilateralism," "peace," and more.

Behind it lie the class interests of the Anglo-American imperialist bourgeoisie enforced by the states it has put at its disposal through economic and political domination, defamation, persecution, criminalization and terror. Within this anti-consciousness, the international financial oligarchs require a "smart" person like, presumably, Justin Trudeau whose quality to know what to say at all times and under all conditions as he has been coached by his handlers to do, seems to appeal to them so long as he can keep his sense of entitlement in check. Within anti-consciousness, such "smart" people only see what their master wants them to see.

All the variants of the neo-liberal schools of thought advocate the current restructuring of international institutions to suit the Anglo-American imperialist new world order. To appeal to the most backward and anti-conscious forces, both within the country and internationally, drivel is passed off as cogent analysis and thought without even minimal self-respect or respect for scientific inquiry. Accolades are given to individuals who commit atrocities against the high road of civilization, while the forces which are fighting to humanize the natural and social environment and international relations are demonized.

Those who push their own machinations and prejudices underestimate the role of the objective world, the contradictions inherent in it and their maturing. The maturing of the contradictions inherent in the objective world plays the role of a sledgehammer against all stubborn refusal to recognize reality. The attempts of the proponents of the imperialist system of states under the domination of Anglo-American imperialist interests to escape the laws of history will not succeed. Life itself is directed by the striving to bring in the New as the Old passes away. The laws of history inexorably favour the rise of the New against the Old. But just as inexorably, the policies and arrangements these imperialist forces are putting in place lead to prolonged suffering, corruption, destruction and war and must be opposed.

It shows the urgency of the striving for empowerment of those on the world scale who stand for just causes to throw off the baggage of anti-consciousness in order to make headway in their forward march. The theoreticians and spokespersons of an anti-human conception of reality are instruments of the imperialist system of states telling the working people that they must not live by what they themselves know but get bamboozled by the neo-liberal double-speak which claims to be progressive, against backward nationalism, populism, racism, the abuse of women and of human rights.

The peoples of the world learn through their own direct experience which is why constant measures are taken to get them to abandon their experience and listen to and adopt prejudices of various kinds. But what always comes through in the neo-liberal doublespeak is the passionate hatred of the two-bit propagandists and champions of the ruling imperialist elite for those engaged in fighting for just causes. Their hatred leads them to intrigues of irrationality and collaboration with the U.S. imperialist war machine to commit crimes of their own.

This explains what the Trudeau government and its ministers are up to.

See also:

"Canada's Imperialist Multilateralism," Margaret Villamizar, TML Weekly, February 22, 2020

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 37 - October 3, 2020

Article Link:
Trudeau Government's Foreign Policy: Attempts to Justify Anglo-American Imperialist Restructuring of International Institutions and World Order - Pauline Easton


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