Permanent Resident Status for All!

National Day of Action in Defence of the Rights of All

On August 23, working people across the country took a bold stand in defence of the rights of all in pickets and other actions demanding Status for All! Actions organized by the Migrant Rights Network took place in cities and towns from coast to coast: on the Halifax Peninsula, in Sherbrooke, Montreal, Ottawa, Sudbury, Toronto, Niagara Falls, Windsor, Regina and Vancouver. The Migrant Rights Network is an umbrella group of nearly fifty migrant rights organizations.

The main focus of the Cross Canada Day of Action was to demand once again that Canada uphold the rights of all migrants to Canada and grant status immediately to the 1.6 million people living here without permanent resident status. Permanent resident status must be recognized so that all migrants have the basis for a dignified and secure life.

The call out for the actions said, "For too long, those of us without permanent resident status have been unable to get universal services, or speak back against bad bosses and power structures. COVID-19 has exacerbated our crisis. We have lost lives and livelihoods. We have been excluded from receiving the support we need. We need a single-tier society where everyone in the country has the same rights and opportunities, and that means full and permanent immigration status for all. No more racism, no more deaths, no more exploitation, STATUS NOW!"

In the Halifax area the action took place over two days in eight locations on the Halifax Peninsula, with the message of postering and flyering at farmers' markets on August 22 that "Migrant workers are part of our community!" Among the actions on August 23 was one outside the Northwood seniors' residence where so many workers and residents were infected with COVID-19 and 53 residents died.

In Montreal, festive marches were organized in several neighbourhoods -- Montréal-Nord, Parc Ex, Côte-des-Neiges and downtown -- to mobilize the communities around the demand "Status for All!"

In Ottawa an event was held in front of the Immigration and Refugee Board offices in answer to the call of the Migrant Workers Alliance for Change.

The Toronto action outside the Immigration and Refugee Board and Canada Border Services Agency offices included the installation of a human clock to emphasize "We are DONE WAITING! The Time for Status for All is NOW!" Among the speakers was Gabriel Flores, a migrant farmworker who was fired from his job because he stood up for his and fellow workers' health and safety after one of his workmates contracted COVID-19 and died. He pointed out that migrant workers are put in the untenable position of working in dangerous conditions under threat of deportation if they refuse. Other speakers included an international student, a careworker and a member of Migrante Canada.

Some thirty people participated in the Niagara Falls action at the Niagara Detention Centre which is used to detain asylum seekers and undocumented migrants. A speaker at the action pointed out that seasonal agricultural workers have long been organizing for their rights, with successful sit-down and slow-down strikes, speaking out against abuse and holding agri-businesses accountable.

In Windsor, where migrant farm workers in nearby Leamington and Kingsville have been hard-hit by COVID-19 due to the reprehensible living and working conditions they endure, and government refusal to protect them, 65 people rallied in front of the offices of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada to call for permanent resident status for migrants. They were told that migrant farm workers were appreciative of all the support and love they have been receiving from other working people and their communities at this difficult time. Participants were informed that $50,000 had so far been raised from unions and some other community groups and individuals to acquire personal protective equipment to give to agri-food workers since many employers are not supplying them with it, and are not being required to do so either by the province. They were also told that volunteers continue to deliver boxes of food to migrant workers who are self-isolating in area hotels, to supplement the inadequate meals many were receiving from the Red Cross who the government had contracted to look after the food needs of quarantining workers.

The action organized by the University of Regina Students' Union at MP Michael Kram's office demanded permanent resident status for international students under the conditions of the pandemic. Many international students have not been able to find summer jobs and some cannot currently return to their country because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Most are wondering how they will find the money to pay their tuition, which is around three times higher than that paid by Canadian citizens.

The Vancouver event was centred at the Citizenship and Immigration Canada office. To respect physical distancing requirements only a few people were at the information table while others came by to pick up posters which they put up around the city. One of the organizers, Nayeli Jimenez, explained to a representative of Workers' Forum that the aim was to mobilize the community behind the demand for full immigration status for all migrant workers in Canada. She pointed out that the COVID-19 pandemic has made the situation of temporary foreign workers, which was already bad, even worse as these workers lack the protection that those with permanent resident status have. Commenting on the deportation of two Mexican farm workers who broke the employer's rules by receiving food and clothing from community members in the Okanagan, she said this shows that all workers need full immigration status so that they can stand up to such violations of their rights, access the communities they are living in, and be able to change employers.

Across the country, migrant workers and their supporters pledged to step up their organizing to defend the rights of migrants and those without status and to achieve permanent resident status for all so that all migrants, who are part of the Canadian working class, can live with dignity.

Full Status for All Now!
We Are All Essential!
Defend the Rights of All!

Halifax, NS


Montreal, QC

Ottawa, ON

Toronto, ON

Niagara Falls



(Photos: TML, No One Is Illegal Halifax, Ensemble avec les personnes migrantes contre le racisme, C.T. Flook, Migrant Workers Alliance for Change, K. Andres, N. Jimenez.)

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 32 - August 29, 2020

Article Link:
Permanent Resident Status for All!: National Day of Action in Defence of the Rights of All


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