On the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of CPC(M-L)

Tributes Paid at the Party Memorial in Beechwood Cemetery

August 15, 2020

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist), on August 15, 2020, a delegation of the Central Committee of CPC(M-L) led by its First Secretary and National Leader, visited the Party Memorial at Beechwood Cemetery in Vanier. The Memorial represents the modern democratic personality the Party has given rise to. Its beauty conveys the profound respect of all Party members and fellow-travellers as well as family members of those whose sacrifice advanced the cause of modern communism.

Floral tributes were presented by Party organizations, individuals and family members who came to pay their respects and express their social love for Comrade Hardial Bains and all those Party members who have passed away and whose names are inscribed on the monument.

The Party's leadership also accompanied a delegation from the Quebec Committee of CPC(M-L) and a delegation of the Outaouais Regional Committee as they paid respects. In the afternoon a delegation from Ontario paid the respects of the Ontario Committee, followed by a representative from BC and two from Nova Scotia, as well as family members.

The Party was also honoured to receive a delegation from the Embassy of Cuba in Ottawa led by Her Excellency Ambassador Josefina Vidal Ferreiro, a delegation from the Embassy of Vietnam in Ottawa led by His Excellency Ambassador Pham Cao Phong, and the Chargé d'Affaires of the Embassy of Venezuela in Ottawa, Luis Acuña. Each presented a floral tribute in honour of Comrade Bains and other comrades, listened to explanations of the lives and contributions of the comrades whose names are on the monument.

August 21, 2020

A floral tribute was also placed at the Memorial on August 21 in honour of two Party members from Montreal who were taken from us by COVID-19 this spring, founding Party member Peter Macrisopoulos and long-time activist Miguel Céspedes Pino.

Comrade Peter joined Hardial Bains and Marxist-Leninist youth in Montreal in 1968-69, even before the founding of the Party, to fight against state-organized racist attacks against the Quebec people and attempts to suppress the struggle the workers were waging in the late sixties. He was a founding member of the Intellectuels et Ouvriers Patriotes du Quebec (IOPQ) in November 1969 and of CPC(M-L) in March 1970.

The Central Committee recognized Peter's contribution by presenting him posthumously with the Party's 50th Anniversary Award for championing the cause of the Greek working class and people all his life and the cause of the Quebec and Canadian working class since he came to Canada after World War II. The award recognizes Peter's fidelity to the cause of the Party and communism as well as his valiant stands when the Party and he himself were persecuted by the state in the early seventies. It was his life's work to unite all workers, no matter what their national origin as one class with one program, in defence of minority rights and the rights of all and for the recognition of the Quebec nation and its right to self-determination.

The Party deeply mourns his death in the COVID-19 pandemic and condemns the callous and cynical attitude of the Quebec and federal governments towards those who have sacrificed their lives to look after the well-being of the society and its members. It is their social irresponsibility that directly led to Comrade Peter's death in a seniors' home, not COVID-19. It is unforgivable. The memory of Peter and his deeds live on in all of us.

Comrade Miguel Céspedes Pino was a proud Quebec communist of Chilean origin. After leaving Chile during the Pinochet dictatorship, he held high the flag of communism and anti-imperialist solidarity and participated in the fight of his two homelands for the rights of all to his dying day. Miguel also succumbed to COVID-19 and his loss is deeply mourned by his family, his friends, his comrades and all those whose lives he so gently and profoundly touched.[1]

A fitting memorial to both comrades will be held at the Party headquarters in Montreal once COVID-19 restrictions are lifted completely.

August 24, 2020

On August 24 with great sadness flowers were also laid at the Party memorial in honour of Comrade Hardial Bains who passed away that day 23 years ago. Despite his immense loss, members of the Outaouais Branch of the Party pointed out that the life of the Party remains vibrant and imbued with the strength of his legacy, and continues to inspire all those who are working to open society's path to progress and usher in peace, freedom and democracy. The Party shows us that the conditions of retreat of revolution are difficult, but not impossible, they said. With this spirit they expressed greetings and social love on the part of the Quebec Committee of CPC(M-L) to the Party's First Secretary, National Leader and Central Committee.

Every year delegations visit the Party Memorial which holds high the contribution of all those whose names are inscribed on it. What is more, it pays tribute to the modern personality of those who put real life as the basis of our development and take up Contemporary Marxist-Leninist Thought as a guide. This personality instinctively gravitates towards communism and respects the communist and revolutionary leaders the world over -- those whose hallmark is their participation in changing society in favour of the peoples. This personality uses Marxism as a guide to action, never as a replacement for profound activity in real life.

Comrade Bains pointed out that such a personality is not accidental; it is not a personality which humankind gives rise to only once in a while. Far from it, our Party and The Internationalists before it, has always strived hard to create this personality. Since the sixties, giving rise to this personality was put on the agenda and a line of march has been followed in order to nurture such a personality. This has not been left to chance. It is the result of organized, planned activity which opens society's path to progress so as to emancipate the working class and all of humankind.

The Party's Deed Is Its Word!
Long Live the Party of Hardial Bains!


1. See In Memoriam here.

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 32 - August 29, 2020

Article Link:
On the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of CPC(M-L): Tributes Paid at the Party Memorial in Beechwood Cemetery


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