25 Years of the Party's Historic Initiative

Hardial Bains launches CPC(M-L)'s Historic Initiative in Ottawa, January 1, 1995.

Twenty-five years ago, at a time when all political forces were busy manoeuvring to place themselves in power so as to administer the state in their own favour, the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) launched a plan of action to put the working class in power at the head of nation-building. This Historic Initiative was launched by the Party's founder and leader Hardial Bains on January 1, 1995. It calls for a modern constitution which vests sovereignty -- the decision-making power -- in the hands of the people and for democratic political mechanisms which ensure that it is the people who must govern themselves. It also calls for the rational and conscious reorganization of the economy, changing its direction to serve the well-being of the people.

It was very moving to hear Hardial Bains describe not only the details, paying attention to the objectivity of consideration, but also the interaction and the key -- the decisive role of organizing the human factor, social consciousness.

"This plan of action is so concrete and covers all aspects of organizing in such detail that the success of any of its aspects will lead to the success of the whole while the failure of any one or other of its aspects will have no effect on the outcome of the plan. More importantly, and as a decisive thing in victory, it puts the human factor, social consciousness, in first place, in the place which determines everything," Comrade Bains said at the time.

Hardial Bains explained:

"In the work of peoples and nations one of the most important and crucial aspects is what happens to all the energies which are engendered in the work. Are they utilized for a very definite aim or are they simply squandered? Today on the world scale, generally speaking, there are very few countries which have set an aim for themselves, an aim for the benefit of society, for the well-being of the people. [...] In Canada, as far as the Canadian people are concerned, there is no aim towards which all the resources are directed. The only aim which is presented by the governments at various levels is one of creating an environment for the success of the monopolies in the global market. And even that aim has mainly propaganda value, claiming that the prosperity of the country depends on the monopolies becoming successful in the global market.

"In medieval times, in the dark ages, the aim was set by the ruling forces, by the church and the feudal lords. It was directly self-serving in the name of some divine power. All the productive forces and all the assets of society were directed towards the satisfaction and greater glory of those forces. There came a time when a break took place with the medieval attitude; then people were defined according to their individual rights, and the jurisdiction and boundaries of the state were drawn in their defence. The aim was set so that all the resources available to society would be directed towards the greater glory of individual rights. However, this then blocked the satisfaction of collective rights.

"The whole period of nation-building became the main content of the democratic revolution. Once the modern bourgeoisie gained the upper hand, the satisfaction of individual rights became the sole aim of nation-building. With the rise of the monopolies, the banner of the nation was thrown in the mud. The states were consolidated and their role developed in the interest of the ruling circles themselves or the financial oligarchy. For instance, American propaganda speaks about defending the national interests of the U.S. everywhere, but it does not speak about what the Americans want to accomplish in this world. Canadians do not have an aim either.

"The only exception was the period of the 'dirty thirties' when the bourgeoisie was facing the disaster of the Depression. It was terrified that it would lose everything if the aim of satisfying the collective interests was not put in place. Thus, in the late thirties and after the war various countries gave themselves the aim of building a social welfare state. In Canada, by the 1960s, they presented the aim of building a 'just society' and spoke about a 'sacred trust' which must be defended, and so on. This was also in response to the aim which the Soviet Union as a socialist country had set for itself -- that is, to satisfy the ever-rising material and cultural needs of the people.

"Now the collective interests are once again on the chopping block. All sorts of demagogy is used and all kinds of promises are made, but the net result has been the rejection of all that was said before about social welfare. This is done under the pretext that making payments on the debt to decrease national indebtedness is the most important aim at this time. On the basis of the claim that this is the best thing for the collective and for society, people are being called upon to make all the sacrifices. [...]

"In the Historic Initiative, the main question is: What should be the aim? Many times in the past various forces have set the aim based purely on the theoretical and ideological premises that we are for socialism. Can it be said that socialism is what the people should take up at this time, that at this time the working class should take up the construction of socialism as its aim and put all its resources behind this aim? Of course, such a decision can be made. It is consistent with our strategic program, but it will not stop the bourgeoisie from pushing its aims. Our consideration in setting the Historic Initiative is not merely theoretical and ideological. It is mainly how the working class must stop the bourgeoisie from squandering the national resources, the independence of the country and its well-being. What is the slogan which the working class must present in order to defeat the bourgeoisie and rally the masses of the people to its side? The answer to this question is to use the resources for the collective interests.

"The slogan of nation-building is appropriate not only because it opposes what the bourgeoisie is talking about -- that everybody should create an environment for the success of businesses in the global market -- but also because it arouses the people to take into their own hands what belongs to them and to create a society which will favour them. Of course, when everything is said and done, nation-building today is equivalent to the construction of socialism, but to present matters in this way will be making an extremely serious blunder. A program has to be set not from the point of view of theory, but from the needs of society at a particular time. Canadian society needs an aim at this time. The Canadian people need an aim which can be easily understood and appreciated by everyone. This aim can only be the aim of nation-building. Of course, the main content of this project is that the working class must constitute itself the nation. In other words, the aim of the working class must become the aim of the nation, just as the bourgeoisie in its ascendency put its aim, the aim of defending individual interest, private property, as the aim of the nation and even subordinated the nation to this aim.

"The time has now come for the working class to constitute the nation. It must establish its own aim as the aim of the nation. In other words, the working class itself must take up the question of nation-building. It must lead the broad masses of the people to take up this aim as well. It is not possible for the working class to channel all its resources at this time without taking up the aim of satisfying the collective interests of society. This amounts to nation-building. Nation-building in Canada can mean only one thing: that the working class must provide society with a modern constitution, with a modern political mechanism, with a change in the direction of the economy and with independence.

"The issue does not change, whether we speak of the nation of Quebec, or Canada, or the nations of the Indigenous peoples. When we speak of the sovereignty of Quebec, it is the working class which should take up the aim of nation-building at the point which is most favourable for the working class. ... [I]t must fight for a change in the direction of the economy, for a modern constitution, for democratic renewal, and for independence.

"The Historic Initiative is aimed at causing a discussion on the question of nation-building amongst the broadest masses of the people by using all the resources available to us. The Historic Initiative is a plan of action, the main objective of which is to ensure that a discussion on this question takes place. In other words, its aim is to get the working people to set the agenda of nation-building. Within this framework, the other aim for the working class is to create the conditions for the formation of the mass communist party. This means that one of the most important tasks in the Historic Initiative is to appropriate the best from the present and the past. It means that there is a need for work to develop and to enrich the content of contemporary Marxist-Leninist thought. It means to look at all phenomena and all events, and to promote those which favour the working class and favour the aim of nation-building."

The Party led and gave orientation to the workers' movement to set its own pro-social program to Stop Paying the Rich, Increase Funding for Social Programs.

Comrade Bains elaborated further:

"Besides appropriating what is best from the past, communists can find solutions to the complicated problems of the present. Only communists can lead the society to march on the high road of civilization. Only they can invoke and bring forth those theories, those human notions which are necessary to open the path for the progress of society at this time.

"The Historic Initiative is launched to call upon the working class and the broad masses of the people to bring to the fore the best that humankind has produced until this time and to develop it to the level necessary for the deep-going transformations which are the order of the day. In other words, it is a program to put the working class at the centre of all developments. More precisely, it is a program to put the human factor, social consciousness, at the centre of all developments. Of all the ingredients necessary to build a project, one has to decide clearly which ingredient is more important and crucial and which ingredient is less important. If the human factor is not there in the project of nation-building, no amount of scientific technical revolution, no amount of efficiency, no amount of other natural and social resources will make a difference.

"The human factor cannot be brought to the level necessary for these transformations unless there is social consciousness, unless there is debate and discussion amongst the broadest masses of the people, unless there is a real revolutionary movement with a mass character. In other words, the Historic Initiative is designed to create these conditions and to ensure that many of these aspects actually develop as essential factors in the creation of the subjective conditions for revolution. The human factor, in the final analysis, is the crucial factor. It is not possible to bring all the factors into play without the human factor."

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of CPC(M-L)'s Historic Initiative, it is more urgent than ever to activate the human factor, social consciousness so as to take up the aim of nation-building and build the mass communist party to turn historic success into historic victory. In the midst of a global pandemic which has caused great suffering and exposed the grave consequences of decades of destruction of social programs, governments are using the situation to justify a further escalation of the anti-social offensive so as to consolidate even greater control over all the affairs of society in the hands of private interests. 

The anti-human factor, anti-social consciousness dominates the actions of the cartel parties in the parliament who, in the situation of a minority federal government with emergency powers, are pursuing their own self-serving interests to the detriment of the people. Federal and provincial governments are taking measures to suppress and silence the demands of the workers and Canadian people for necessary measures that would resolve the crisis in their favour. CPC(M-L) is stepping up its work to imbue the working class with the aim of nation-building which can only mean one thing: “the working class must provide society with a modern constitution, with a modern political mechanism, with a change in the direction of the economy and with independence.”

Today, even more so than 25 years ago, the Historic Initiative spearheaded by CPC(M-L) is crucial for all those who want to make a contribution to opening society's path to progress.

All Out to Turn Historic Success into Historic Victory!

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 30 - August 15, 2020

Article Link:
25 Years of the Party's Historic Initiative


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