CPC(M-L)'s Message to the People's State of the Nation Address Action to Hold the Rodrigo Duterte Regime to Account

Action in Vancouver on eve of President Duterte's State of the Nation Address, July 27, 2020.

The Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) brings you warm greetings to this SONA ng Bayan, the People's State of the Nation Address action to hold the Rodrigo Duterte regime to account for the escalating state violence and terror being committed with impunity against the Filipino people. We condemn the so-called Anti-Terrorism Act 2020 and express our confidence in your actions to stop it.

Our Party also expresses its sincere condolences on the loss on July 23 of Fidel V. Agcaoili, esteemed Chairperson of the Negotiating Panel of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines. Comrade Agcaoili's important role in negotiations with the Philippines government to find a peaceful but just resolution to the more than 60-year civil war in the Philippines provides important guides to action for those who take his place.

Please also accept our deepest sympathies for the losses you have suffered this year as a result of state repression and crimes committed against your comrades. We hail their courage and heroism and send their comrades and families our condolences and support.

Close to 30,000 people have died as a result of extrajudicial killings and political assassinations. Thousands of people have been imprisoned for providing support to the people in the form of medicines and food during the COVID pandemic.

Montreal, July 27, 2020.

With the passing of the so-called Anti-Terrorism Act 2020 this month the Duterte government reveals its desperation and that of its U.S. backers to crush the people's resistance led by the CPP and NPA. The so-called Anti-Terrorism Act 2020 also expresses the interests of the U.S. to ensure the Philippines remains a stable military base for asserting its presence in Asia and to challenge China. It is part of U.S. imperialist war preparations which the people do not condone.

The joint military naval and other exercises the U.S. conducts with the Philippines and their "counter-insurgency" exercises must be ended as the CPP and the NPA are leading the people to achieve. The anti-communist hysteria of the ruling circles in the Philippines is a reflection of the strength of the Filipino people's movement for national liberation and the desperation of the enemy.

Duterte also continues to hand over the Philippine economy to powerful foreign interests, increasing economic displacement, poverty and migration. Tens of thousands of people are forced by circumstances to leave the islands in search of relief abroad.

Canada is itself an architect of unacceptable practices which encourage human trafficking and abuse of women and children and migrant workers. The Canadian government also champions the theft of the Filipino people's mineral wealth and lands by mining companies and others pursuing narrow private interests, committing crimes against the people to quell their resistance.

Canada's silence about the crimes committed against the people is unacceptable. Silence is violence.

Our Party works to realize the just demand that all migrant workers in Canada be granted permanent residency and receive all public supports as a matter of right.

Workers of Filipino origin are an integral part of the Canadian working class. We work as one for peace, freedom and democracy.

Glory to the Life and Work of Comrade Fidel Agcaoili!
Long Live the Resistance of the Filipino People!
Long Live Our Unity in Action! The People Will Prevail!
No to Fascist Violence and Terror by the U.S.-supported Duterte Regime!
No to the So-called Anti-Terrorism Act 2020!

(Photos: Bayan Canada, Gabriela)

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 29 - August 8, 2020

Article Link:
CPC(M-L)'s Message to the People's State of the Nation Address Action to Hold the Rodrigo Duterte Regime to Account


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