Spanish Journalist Gives Colombian Foreign Minister Fitting Reply

Edgar Eddie Ferreira is a Spanish journalist who stopped Colombian Foreign Minister Claudia Blum in her tracks after she declared not long ago that "Cuba is an extremely poor country whose backwardness is evident in its infrastructure."

- Yesterday, 200 million children slept in the streets because they are homeless, and I assure you none of them are Cuban, but many are Colombian.

- Millions of people in the world have no medical coverage and I assure you that none of them are Cuban. In Colombia alone more than half the population is without medical insurance and those who do have it are not attended to in a 100 per cent efficient manner.

- In the world there are millions of illiterate people and none of them are Cuban, but many are Colombian.

- So far this year, social leaders have been assassinated all over the world, but none in Cuban territory. In Colombia, they are killed on a daily basis and the president does nothing to stop this state massacre of the people.

- In culture, sports, health and education Cuba is the best in the region. The day Colombia is able to surpass Cuba in any kind of social progress, you can offer your opinion. In the meantime, look at your own country and think how great an island like Cuba is compared to Colombia, which in spite of having all the natural resources to be a great country, does not come across in the world today as anything good because it is considered the most corrupt, the most murderous, the most drug-trafficking, the most ignorant, it has the highest unemployment rate in the region, the highest murder rate, and your president is a travelling circus, spewing lies and stupidities wherever he goes.

- Foreign Minister, my friend, I am telling you all this because I am a Spanish journalist and I have had the opportunity to travel to Cuba, just like I got to know and have worked in Colombia. Living and working in Colombia is a real challenge for a journalist, who can be killed at any time for practicing their profession; last year alone in Colombia 36 journalists were murdered. In Cuba, no one is murdered for thinking differently. If Cuba is poor, Colombia is a misery compared to Cuba.

(Resumen Latinoamericano, July 31, 2020. Translated from original Spanish by TML.)

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 29 - August 8, 2020

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Spanish Journalist Gives Colombian Foreign Minister Fitting Reply


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