In Memoriam

Fidel V. Agcaoili

- August 8, 1944 - July 23, 2020 -

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) with profound sorrow informs that Comrade Fidel V. Agcaoili, Chair of the Negotiating Panel of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines, passed away suddenly in Utrecht, Netherlands of a pulmonary arterial rupture. Comrade Agcaoili served as a member of the NDPF from the early 1990s and as Chair since 2016 in efforts to achieve a just and permanent peace in the struggle between the Filipino people led by the CPP and the U.S.-sponsored Philippine state.

The CPP states:

"Filipino communists and revolutionaries feel a deep sense of sorrow and loss with Ka (Elder) Fidel's passing. He was one of the most beloved and respected leaders of the Party, the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) and the Filipino people. Over the past decades, from the underground movement, to inside prison, to international work and peace negotiations, Ka Fidel untiringly struggled with the Filipino people and served the revolutionary movement and all the oppressed and exploited classes to achieve national and social liberation. At all times, Ka Fidel firmly upheld the principles of the Party. He was imbued with the communist spirit to his last breath."

The death of Comrade Fidel V. Agcaoili is a great loss to the CPP, the NDFP and the entire Filipino people. The Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) sends it deepest condolences to his comrades, his family and all the Filipino people in the homeland and in Canada, in particular our comrades in Bayan Canada, Migrante, Philippine Solidarity Group, Gabriela and other fighting organizations.

May the life and work of Comrade Fidel V. Agcaoili serve to inspire our joint efforts for our collective rights, justice and peace and strengthen fraternal relations between the people of Canada and the Philippines.

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 29 - August 8, 2020

Article Link:
In Memoriam: Fidel V. Agcaoili


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