Go Digital Canada Program

Federal Government Promotes Powerful Private Interests

On July 11, the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario announced that with its "partners" it is undertaking an initiative called "Go Digital Canada" whose purpose is said to be "to support nearly 23,000 Ontario businesses to go digital." The partners cited are various Ontario mayors and representatives of local business associations and chambers of commerce, plus a manager from Google and another from Shopify. As part of the program, the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario and the Ford Ontario government have partnered with Shopify in a $58 million Digital Main Street program.

The federal government program Go Digital Canada channels retailers into the clutches of Shopify to extend the company's reach among businesses seeking to build websites, where many will remain to pay ecommerce rent after their free three-month trial has ended. The program deepens Shopify's already existing connection with the federal government. Ottawa has also contracted Shopify to roll out a contact-tracing app in Ontario. Shopify is a multinational ecommerce giant, headquartered in Ottawa. In 2019, its revenues were $1.58 billion, with more than one million businesses using its platform in 175 countries.

"Ottawa deepens ties to Shopify with new small-retailer support program during pandemic" is a recent Globe and Mail headline. The article says, "The federal government is partnering with Shopify Inc. to help small Canadian retailers set up online stores for 90-day trials, as the governing Liberals deepen their ties to Canada's most valuable publicly traded company."

Through these public-private partnerships governments promote particular private interests. Gone is any pretence of governments serving the common good and welfare of all Canadians equally. Governance through the cartel party system has come to mean, in practice, the representation and promotion in government of the most powerful private business interests and their rich owners.

The government rationale in partnering with Shopify is that the company's ecommerce platform already exists for retailers to buy and use and no alternative public infrastructure at nominal cost is possible. People should say No! to this and demand that public ecommerce platforms be built and made available for all to use in common as a public resource. This however does not enter into any official discussion because such a discussion is not allowed and never takes place. The only thing that makes sense to the ruling elite is for the rich to become richer so as to consolidate their control and power over all economic and political affairs. Privatize everything including ecommerce platforms and summer employment for youth is the banner of governments of the rich. The only dispute among the cartel parties and representatives is which private interests are to be favoured. 

The Globe writes, "Behind the scenes, [Shopify's] chief executive officer, Tobi Lutke, has been regularly advising members of the government on digital affairs, including contact-tracing technology." In fact the relationship goes beyond "advising." Shopify's general manager Sylvia Ng has been named to lead the federal government's Go Digital Canada program. Ng remarks in the Globe article that Shopify and the federal government "have a shared mutual interest and commitment to Shopify supporting the digitization of small businesses." "Shared mutual interest" indeed, as Shopify has exploded into a global multi-billion dollar business with its owners joining the ranks of Canada's richest oligarchs.

The Globe writes, "The federal lobbyist registry shows that Shopify has lobbied the federal government 27 times since 2017, with 22 of the instances in the past six months" with federal ministers regularly meeting the company's leaders. "Shopify representatives met with both Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and [federal Minister of Small Business and Export Promotion] Mary Ng [no relation to Sylvia Ng] in early May, records show. They have also had separate meetings with chiefs of staff for Mr. Trudeau and [Minister] Ng since the pandemic began. [Shopify CEO] Lutke chaired the government's economic strategy table on digital industries in 2017.... Shopify has hosted Mr. Trudeau, Minister Ng and Innovation Minister Navdeep Bains at its offices for various events in recent years, and Mr. Trudeau spoke with Mr. Lutke onstage at the company's annual Unite conference in 2018."

The Globe says Ryan Nearing, a spokesperson for Minister Ng told the newspaper that the government partnership and connection with Shopify "builds our relationship with industry -- working collaboratively with the private sector on initiatives that will help Canadian entrepreneurs succeed."

As private interests seize control of governments, the public interest and common good become overwhelmed and suppressed. The narrow private interests of the most powerful oligarchs become the cornerstone of government policy. No discussion of an alternative can be found in the halls of power as the political system itself blocks the working people from representing themselves and giving their views on the direction of the country's economic and political affairs and taking actions that favour their interests.

The situation boils down to the necessity for political renewal. The working people are organizing and fighting in opposition to this striving of the rich and their political representatives to control everything. People are speaking out against the takeover of governments by rich oligarchs. The battle for democracy is on and all these measures to serve and pay the rich must be rescinded. The battle of democracy requires that working people vest decision-making power in themselves with new political forms and the fundamental aim to guarantee the well-being and security of all. The battle has begun with demands to Stop paying the rich! and Stop serving their narrow private interests!

The time is now to move on to an alternative with increased investments in social programs, public services and public enterprise with working people in control. The time is now for political institutions that ban private interests from usurping power and overwhelming the public interest. It can be done! It must be done!

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 28 - August 1, 2020

Article Link:
Go Digital Canada Program: Federal Government Promotes Powerful Private Interests - K.C. Adams


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