Day of Rage Against Annexation of Palestinian Land

Vigorous Action in Windsor

On July 18, Windsor youth and students held a Day of Rage organized to oppose all attempts to extinguish the rights of the Palestinian people whether by annexation or through what is called "negotiation."

Around 75 people rallied on the riverfront then marched, shouting slogans, through downtown to City Hall Square for speeches.

Four activists addressed the crowd each emphasizing different aspects of the fight for Palestinian human rights. An organizer with the University of Windsor Palestinian Solidarity Group opened by explaining how Israel's attempts at unilateral annexation of even more Palestinian territory than it has already seized end any pretense that a two-state solution is possible, saying that although it may not seem clear yet, this opens the door to the only democratic solution, which is one state with equal rights for all.

A young woman activist rejected the attempts to criminalize support for the rights of the Palestinian people and did so in the context of opposing colonialism in Canada against the Indigenous peoples and national minorities. She also condemned the criminality of the Israeli occupation which labels the people who have been dispossessed of their lands as terrorists and threats. Meanwhile, those responsible for the dispossession and occupation claim to be acting in self-defence and in the interest of "security."

An activist of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) noted that the Israeli and Canadian states have longstanding economic, political and security ties and that these must be ended in order for Canada to be able to contribute to peace in the Middle East. She hailed the initiative of the youth to call the rally noting that a new generation of anti-imperialist youth who are speaking and acting for themselves is proof that the colonial project of the Israeli state will not succeed and that the memory of the Palestinian people cannot be extinguished. She called on everyone to oppose any attempts to criminalize opposition to Israeli state violence as anti-Semitic, which governments in Canada at all levels are doing.

The final speaker, an activist with the Revolutionary Student Movement, explained that their own entrance into political activism was through joining the work to stand up for Palestinian human rights at the University of Windsor. They noted that many of the activists they worked and stood shoulder to shoulder with were of Palestinian origin, and this inspired them to get involved in speaking out and actively standing up to injustice as well.

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 27 - July 25, 2020

Article Link:
Day of Rage Against Annexation of Palestinian Land: Vigorous Action in Windsor


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