Cross Canada Day of Action Demands Status for All!

The Injustice, Discrimination, and Super-Exploitation of Non-Status People Must Stop!

Montreal, July 4, 2020.

On Saturday, July 4, a cross-Canada day of action brought people together in defence of the rights of asylum seekers, temporary foreign workers, the undocumented, those facing deportation, international students and others. Events were organized in Quebec, British Columbia, Nova Scotia and Ontario, including at federal Immigration Minister Marco Mendicino's riding office in Toronto.

Montreal, Quebec

Close to 500 people of all ages and from all walks of life responded to the call of Solidarity Across Borders and other organizations in Montreal to demand full immigration status for all. People gathered at 11:00 am at Émilie Gamelin Park for a rally and march. Migrante Canada, the Immigrant Workers Centre, Quebec Is Us Too!, the Action Committee on Non Status Persons, the Committee of Guineans United for Status, Stand Up For Dignity, women's groups and other organizations involved in the defence of rights including a contingent of the Marxist-Leninist Party were among those participating.

The spirit of the action and the many placards and banners were unequivocal: Status For All! Fight for the Rights of All! We Are not Disposable; We Are Human Beings Who Are Part of Quebec and We Are Contributing to Its Development!

Participants demanded immediate full immigration status for all and that no one be left behind. Irrespective of whether one is an asylum seeker, a temporary foreign worker, an international student or a worker whose status has expired, everyone should be treated equally and fairly, and be subject to the same laws and rules as everyone else, they said.

The living and working conditions of many of these essential workers are intolerable, the result of their precarious status and unjust immigration laws and regulations that are continuously changing to suit the demands of employers and the economy. Rather than being treated with dignity and as human beings should be, governments and the tiny ruling elite they represent consider these workers to be expendable, a commodity to use and then discard.

These essential workers are demanding that their contribution to Quebec society be recognized, not only economically but also culturally and socially.

Because of huge public support for these workers, both the Quebec and Canadian governments want to be seen as recognizing their contribution during the pandemic but thus far, have done nothing concrete to assist them. Many continue to be threatened with deportation, as a representative of the Committee of Guineans United for Status pointed out. And if members of his community are deported, they face violence in their home country.

A member of the movement Quebec Is Us Too! informed the crowd of the plight of international students and temporary foreign workers whose future here in Quebec is being jeopardized by recent arbitrary changes to the Quebec Experience Program (PEQ) by the Legault government. International students have also been left without any support from the federal Liberal government during the pandemic, other than the possibility of working full time in an "essential service," often at the risk of their own health due to the lack of protective equipment and social distancing afforded them. Many of these essential workers cannot even access public health care.

They stressed that long before COVID-19 began, they were essential and have courageously continued to care for others and to ensure that food is provided for everyone. Many have come here lured by the prospect of a brighter future for themselves and their families, only to find the tables have been turned on them and they no longer qualify to permanently settle here.

Solidarity Across Borders pointed out: "Non-status people are pushed into working very hard for the success and development of the Canadian economy, on the front lines, in dangerous and dismal working conditions, without health care, benefits, or emergency relief. Even while everyone stayed home to protect themselves from COVID-19, many among us were forced to face the danger, and thus allowed Canadian society to continue functioning. Unfortunately, no one thought to compensate non-status people for the great efforts they made, nor recognized them as full human beings who should be entitled to the same as everyone else. People without status are entitled to full recognition, esteem, and respect.

"We come together to say that, the injustice, discrimination, and exploitation of non-status people must stop! We unite our forces and our voices to demand a comprehensive regularization programme. Status for all!"

Toronto, Ontario

Steveston, BC

People from various parts of the Greater Vancouver Area travelled to Steveston on July 4 for a rally outside the office of Steveston-Richmond East MP Kenny Chui. The action was organized in response to the call from the Migrant Rights Network for actions across the country. Chui's office was chosen because the Steveston-Richmond area has a large number of farms that employ seasonal agricultural workers, and because Chui is a member of the parliamentary Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration. Demonstrators called attention to the conditions of live-in caregivers, farm workers and other migrant workers along with the seasonal agricultural workers.

Besides those who occupied the street in front of the MP's office, there were others who joined in from cars parked along the street, adorned with signs such as Justice for Migrant Workers! and Our Security Lies in the Fight for the Rights of All!

The demonstrators demanded full immigration status for all -- seasonal agricultural workers and other migrant workers including international students, refugees, asylum seekers and undocumented workers -- along with access to health care and social services, Employment Insurance and labour standards. Speakers at the rally encouraged everyone to sign the petition issued by the Migrant Rights Network and to phone Prime Minister Trudeau to demand that the government provide full immigration rights for all migrant workers.

(Photos: TML, C. Martin, D. Hammond, B.S. Walters, H. Shokr, Spring Mag)

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 25 - July 11, 2020

Article Link:
Cross Canada Day of Action Demands Status for All!: The Injustice, Discrimination, and Super-Exploitation of Non-Status People Must Stop!


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