Let Us Move On to Public Enterprise and End the Charade of Private Enterprise and a Free Market

A state organized to pay the rich is not a free market.
It is a market controlled for the privileged few.

The total Canadian federal debt to global private interests following this year's $343.2 billion deficit will rise to $1.2 trillion.

Contrary to what Prime Minister Trudeau alleges, Canadians will suffer from this debt to the rich as repayment with interest will come out of the value workers produce at work, from reduced social programs and public services and a deteriorating standard of living.

The U.S.-led imperialist system of states has been organized to pay the rich. It does everything to defend and sustain the privilege of ownership of private enterprise and the stupendously wealthy oligarchs who own and control the private global industrial and financial cartels.

The private enterprises that benefit from what workers produce and from state pay-the-rich schemes are the material basis of inequality and exploitation of people and the economy, and the cause of the recurring economic crises that wreak havoc with people's lives. Yet still, songs are sung and speeches ring out that private enterprise represents the free market and the highest form of human economic organization. Nonsense. A state organized to pay the rich is not a free market. It is a market controlled for the privileged few.

Workers ask, what is free about the free market when private enterprises lend money to governments and receive it back with interest and in grants, subsidies, guaranteed contracts and other pay-the-rich schemes? That is not the free market. That is the rich conning the world with its tired old myths of the free market and private enterprise being the greatest.

Private enterprise loves the social wealth it expropriates from its own workers and from others through government handouts. It loves lending its excess private wealth to governments and then receiving it back both with interest and in pay-the-rich schemes of subsidies, grants and guaranteed government contracts. It loves the state saving it from disaster during one of its recurring economic crises. This is not the free market; this is a ruling oligarchy exploiting the working people and using the power of the state to defend its private interests and privilege.

Enough of this odious free market nonsense. The industrial and financial cartels overwhelmed the free market in the early years of the twentieth century. If the private cartels cannot make it in the economy without public handouts, which obviously they cannot, then the working people should brush them aside and move on to the New. The working people demand public enterprise and governments under their control and organized to serve the public interest not certain privileged private interests.

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 25 - July 11, 2020

Article Link:
Let Us Move On to Public Enterprise and End the Charade of Private Enterprise and a Free Market - K.C. Adams


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