Haligonians Stand Up for Palestinians and in Defence of the Rights of All

Haligonians came forward on July 1 to support the right to be of the Palestinian people and in defence of the rights of all. It is reported that some 800 people rallied at the Halifax waterfront. They gathered to condemn Israeli plans to annex large swaths of occupied Palestinian territories. They gathered in support of the Indigenous peoples' centuries-long struggle to affirm their right to be. They gathered in support of the Black Lives Matter movement, for LGBTQ rights, against state organized, racist police violence and killings -- in short, in defence of the rights of all.

Many Mi'kmaq and their supporters militantly took their stand, after having held their own rally at Peace and Friendship Park against colonialism and racism against Indigenous peoples. Poets, educators and artists lent their talents. A spokesperson for Independent Jewish Voices expressed the firm opposition of Jewish people to the crimes the Zionist state of Israel is committing against the Palestinians. LGBTQ representatives pointed to annexation as the real brutal face of the state of Israel, not the image projected of tolerance and liberal democracy.

Dr. Ismail Zayid, speaking on behalf of Canadians, Arabs, and Jews for a Just Peace (CAJJP), condemned the Israeli plan of annexation. He said it amounts to a war crime and complete violation of international law. He said Canada has to take real action to uphold the rights of the Palestinian people. He said Indigenous and Palestinian people share similar experiences with colonialism and their right of return, their rights as peoples, must be recognized.

July 1 was an international Day of Rage called by Palestinian resistance organizations. It was also Canada Day and Halifax showed what the Canadian people stand for this July 1! Our Security Lies in Our Fight for the Rights of All!

(With files from Nova Scotia Advocate)

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 24 - July 4, 2020

Article Link:
Haligonians Stand Up for Palestinians and in Defence of the Rights of All


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