Canadians Oppose Government Support for Israeli War Crimes

Close to 200 people answered the call of Palestinian youth to rally before the Human Rights Monument in Ottawa on June 28, to oppose the illegal annexation of the West Bank Palestine. Similar actions took place across the country.

Two organizers made brief statements at the beginning of the rally and asked that everyone respect social distancing as they marched up Elgin Street to demonstrate in front of the Prime Minister's Office. The speakers pointed out that the illegal annexation of the West Bank, which was scheduled to begin July 1, is a global crisis and a catastrophic human rights violation. The rally is the first of a campaign of actions and events to build national opposition to the illegal militarized seizure of lands in Palestine and further displacement of Palestinians. The youth affirmed that the struggle of the Palestinian people is one with that of the Indigenous peoples in Canada as well as that of the struggle of African Americans and that they are all part of the same struggle for justice. A group of Native youth sang songs of support in front of the Prime Minister's Office.

The speakers denounced two fields of close cooperation between the Canadian government and Israel -- that of policing and that of the Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement, as well as the support Canada offered Israel before the International Criminal Court in February (see below).

Collaboration on Policing

The links between Canada and Israel in terms of policing are numerous. The March 2008 signing of the "Declaration of Intent Between the Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness of Canada and the Ministry of Public Security of the Government of the State of Israel" is an example of the collaboration between Canadian and Israeli security establishments. This includes, but not exclusively, aerospace, maritime and land-based security and surveillance technologies, counter-terrorism technology development, perimeter security, surveillance technology, cyberspace and communications, as well as emergency-preparedness and riot-control.

Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement

The Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement (CIFTA) went into force on January 1, 1997, eliminating tariffs on all industrial products manufactured in Canada and Israel. On May 2, 2018, François-Philippe Champagne, then-Minister of International Trade, and Eli Cohen, Israel's Minister of the Economy and Trade, met in Montreal, Quebec, to sign the Protocol Amending the Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement.

On a Government of Canada website, in a "country profile" of Israel that explains "why Israel matters," it is said that Canada's top merchandise export to Israel (2016-2018 average) is aircraft and parts ($90.7 million). It is pointed out that Israel is home to one of the ten largest arms manufacturing industries in the world, supported by an annual budget of U.S.$18 billion. Education is raised as an important part of Canada-Israel relations, as well as information and communications technologies which represent one of the most important sectors for sales, technology partnerships and investment between Canada and Israel. Other common fields include health and life sciences, where partnership opportunities exist for Canadian firms in a variety of areas, including digital health (including artificial intelligence), neuroscience, and complementing medical device technology.

International Criminal Court

As recently as February, the Canadian government sided with Israel when the International Criminal Court had concluded that war crimes "have been or are being committed" in the West Bank, including east Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip. The Canadian government, rather than deal with the issue of the crimes being committed against the Palestinian people by Israel, cowardly hid behind a "long-standing position" that it does not recognize a Palestinian state and therefore does not recognize the "accession of such a state to international treaties."

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 24 - July 4, 2020

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Canadians Oppose Government Support for Israeli War Crimes


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