Protests Continue to Demand Justice in Choudry Killing

Since the death of Mr. Ejaz Choudry at the hands of Peel Regional Police on June 20, the community of Malton in Mississauga, Ontario and citizens from across the Greater Toronto Area have been gathering to protest at the intersection of Morning Star Drive and Goreway Road on a daily basis. On Wednesday, June 24, the day of the funeral for Mr. Choudry, a contingent shouting "What do we want? Justice! For who? Ejaz!" made their way from the funeral procession towards the intersection at around 7:30 pm, where they were met by other protesters. At around 8:15 pm many of the protesters, predominantly youth, decided to march north on Goreway and block the CN railway tracks.

Family speaks at Ezaj Choudry's funeral June 24, 2020 (left) and photo of some of the
many people attending (right).

As the protesters blocked the railway tracks, shouts of "Justice for Ejaz -- Now!," "Defund the Police, Increase Funding for Youth and Social Programs!" were repeatedly heard. Many of the youth who took part in the demonstration were Muslim and, at one point, knelt on the train tracks, facing eastward, to pray in silence. As a result of the blockade of the tracks, two CN Rail freight trains were stopped from entering the crossing. The train engineers approached the protesters to get information about the duration of the protest. In the process of discussion, the engineers expressed their support for the protesters. The rail blockade lasted about two-and-a-half hours. During the last half hour, a family member of the late Mr. Choudry told the protesters that the police had notified the family about the possibility of arrests being made, given that the protesters were on private property.

Youth block railway tracks following Choudry's funeral, June 24, 2020.

Subsequently, the youth, who took the lead in the protest, began to discuss what direction or plan should be taken. It was decided amongst the protesters that, before complying with the police threats, that they would make counter demands, and if those demands were not met within 24 hours, then the CN railway track would once again be blocked the next day. Their demands were threefold: 

1) that the name of the police officer who killed Mr. Ejaz Choudry be released to the public; 

2) that an independent body investigate the killing of Mr. Choudry and not the Special Investigations Unit;[1] and 

3) that the family be given a different apartment from where Mr. Choudry was killed.

During the demonstration, many youth who reside in the Malton area spoke about the continuous police harassment and racial profiling that takes place in the community. Not a few expressed their personal experiences of police violence and brutality against them. The youth and protesters in general expressed anger at a system that is racist and made the link of racism being interconnected with a socio-economic system that they said does not work for them.

The intersection of Goreway and Morning Star in Malton continues to be blocked by the community on a 24-hour basis.


1. The Special Investigations Unit "is the civilian oversight agency responsible for investigating circumstances involving police that have resulted in a death, serious injury, or allegations of sexual assault of a civilian in Ontario, Canada." (Wikipedia)

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 23 - June 27, 2020

Article Link:
Protests Continue to Demand Justice in Choudry Killing - Frank Chilelli


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