COVID-19 Update

Overview of Where Things Stand

On June 15, World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus gave on overview of the pandemic that underscored the ongoing seriousness of the global situation and the situation in the various regions. He pointed out that "It took more than two months for the first 100,000 cases to be reported. For the past two weeks, more than 100,000 new cases have been reported almost every single day." For the past week, the number of cases has ranged from 124,300 to 145,890 on June 17, a new all-time high.

Regarding those regions the most greatly affected, Dr. Tedros noted that "Almost 75 per cent of recent cases come from 10 countries, mostly in the Americas and South Asia." He added that the WHO is "also see[ing] increasing numbers of cases in Africa, eastern Europe, central Asia and the Middle East.

"Even in countries that have demonstrated the ability to suppress transmission, countries must stay alert to the possibility of resurgence," Dr. Tedros warned. He gave the example of China, which on June 13 "reported a new cluster of cases in Beijing, after more than 50 days without a case in that city. More than 100 cases have now been confirmed."

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 22 - June 20, 2020

Article Link:
COVID-19 Update: Overview of Where Things Stand


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