Trudeau Government as Always Covers Up the Fact that Racist Attacks Are State-Organized

Everything is done to hide that it is the U.S. state which is anti-worker, sexist, racist and anti-immigrant as well as profoundly anti-communist and that police impunity and violence are systemic, not a matter of some "bad apples." One of the ways this is done is by expressing opposition to racism and police impunity in words while hiding that they are inherent in anachronistic constitutions which enshrine property rights in the name of "the people." Another way this is done is by making Trump and the need to elect someone who upholds the Constitution the issue. Along with this, every epithet in the book is used to portray the working people of the United States who voted for Trump as rabid, crazed zealots who are trampling the rights of the people in the mud.

A good example of how this is done is provided by Prime Minister Trudeau. In his daily briefing on June 1, ostensibly to inform about measures being implemented by the federal government to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, Prime Minister Trudeau stated, "I want to start by addressing the situation that's unfolding south of the border which is also having an impact here at home. For far too many Canadians the images and stories coming out of the U.S. are all too familiar. As a country we can't pretend that racism doesn't exist here. Anti-black racism is real, unconscious bias is real, and systemic discrimination is real and they happen here in Canada. Over the weekend we saw thousands of people gather across the country to join peaceful protests against anti-black racism. By standing together and denouncing the few who would try to derail these demonstrations, Canadians are sending the message that they will never tolerate injustice. To young black Canadians, I hear you when you say you are anxious and angry, when you say that this brings back painful experiences of racism that you've faced. I want you to know that I am listening and that your government will always stand with you. Together we will keep taking meaningful action to fight racism and discrimination in every form. The status quo where people face violence because of the colour of their skin is unacceptable. No parent should have to once again explain to their kids that they or their friends might face racism. It is time, it is past time for this to change. As leaders and allies we must do the hard work needed to listen and learn. We must ensure that everyone is safe and respected. That includes journalists who need to be able to do their work on the front lines to expose the truth and tell the stories we need to hear and we must, as Canadians, always keep working together to build a fairer, better, more equitable country for all."

Throughout the U.S., workers, youth and people from all walks of life have risen up to resist the ongoing state attacks on African Americans and minorities, triggered by the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis on May 25. Across Canada and throughout the world actions have been held in solidarity with the just cause of the American people to end systemic racism and police impunity. That solidarity is based on having a common cause and experience of state-organized racist attacks which are part of the modus operandi of the ruling elite throughout the imperialist system of states.

The hypocrisy of Trudeau's "I want you to know that I am listening and that your government will always stand with you" on the first anniversary of the release of the report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, within days of the death of a young black-Indigenous woman in Toronto during an interaction with police and three days before the death of an Indigenous woman in Nova Scotia at the hands of police, fools no one. Video footage of police violence against a man in Nunavut is also presented as an aberration, not par for the course. The chief of police in Saskatchewan going on bended knee pledging that the police must do better is given wide coverage while covering up that in that province police killings of Indigenous women and men are notorious. The "we're all in this together" message and lecturing Canadians that "we" have to do better, has become the mantra for denying what really takes place. How do you do the G20 assault on Canadians "better?" How do you do "serve and protect" better when you are under the command of U.S. military and police forces?

Trudeau wants us to believe that his government is "addressing the situation that's unfolding south of the border" by attempting to divert, using not-so-subtle blaming of the Canadian people -- "we're all in this together" -- and only finding it in his heart to denounce "the few who would try to derail these demonstrations," while maintaining a posture of "non-interference" when it comes to condemning the police actions and Trump's threats to use the military against the unarmed people. Trudeau and Deputy Prime Minister Freeland, are self-righteously repeating that it is not up to them to tell other leaders how to conduct themselves. This is the same Trudeau and the same Freeland who have recognized the imposter Guaidó in Venezuela, engaging in not just words but outright interference in the internal affairs of that country and others in the name of "Canadian values" and "the rule of law."

What is being expressed in the solidarity actions in Canada is both support for the just struggle of the U.S. working class and people and the determination of the Canadian people to put an end to racism and state-organized racist attacks in Canada as well.

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 20 - June 6, 2020

Article Link:
Trudeau Government as Always Covers Up the Fact that Racist Attacks Are State-Organized - Barbara Biley


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