Union Calls for End to Dividend Payments to Long-Term Care Shareholders

Picket, May 26, 2020 outside Guildwood, long-term care home run by Extendicare, where 29 people have died of COVID-19.

On May 28, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Healthcare, which represents over 60,000 frontline healthcare workers in Ontario, issued a statement demanding an end to long-term care shareholder dividends after the monopoly Extendicare revealed at its Annual General Meeting (AGM) that it only spent $300,000 of its own money to deal with COVID-19, while distributing over $10,000,000 to shareholders during the pandemic.

SEIU reported that at the Extendicare AGM it was revealed the corporation incurred about $700,000 in incremental expenses related to COVID-19 measures, of which $400,000 was covered by the province. When asked if a pandemic risk assessment was ever conducted after the 2007 SARS Commission Report, the President and CEO said "our risk plans did not anticipate this kind of behaviour from an infectious agent."

SEIU points out that even after 80 people died in Extendicare facilities after contracting COVID-19, the company would not commit to cutting the 8 per cent, $10,000,000 dividend paid to shareholders.

SEIU Healthcare President Sharleen Stewart said: "What I heard today from Extendicare was both alarming and an affirmation of a truly ugly long-term care system. Residents are getting sick and dying. Workers are getting sick and dying. Enough is enough.

"Corporate dividends from companies like Extendicare, Chartwell, and Sienna, can no longer be a part of the delivery of health care equation. SEIU Healthcare will be calling on all governments to stop giving money to health care corporations that pay out rich dividends to private shareholders."

(Photos: SIEU Healthcare)

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 19 - May 30, 2020

Article Link:
Union Calls for End to Dividend Payments to Long-Term Care Shareholders


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