COVID-19 Update

"One Thing Is Abundantly Clear. The World Must Never Be the Same." -- WHO Director-General

World Health Assembly, May 18, 2020.

On May 18 and 19, the World Health Assembly (WHA), the decision-making body of the World Health Organization (WHO), was held virtually. At the meeting, a draft resolution titled "COVID-19 Response" was tabled, calling for an "impartial" and "independent" review of the WHO's actions regarding the pandemic. It was sponsored by 62 countries, including Canada, but notably not the United States. In his opening remarks to the Assembly, WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus spoke to the resolution proposed, saying, amongst other things:

"Every country and every organization must examine its response and learn from its experience.

"WHO is committed to transparency, accountability and continuous improvement. For us, change is a constant.

"In fact, the existing independent accountability mechanisms are already in operation, since the pandemic started.

"The Independent Oversight Advisory Committee has today published its first report on the pandemic, with several recommendations for both the Secretariat and Member States.

"In that spirit, we welcome the proposed resolution before this Assembly, which calls for a step-wise process of impartial, independent and comprehensive evaluation.

"To be truly comprehensive, such an evaluation must encompass the entirety of the response by all actors, in good faith.

"So, I will initiate an independent evaluation at the earliest appropriate moment to review experience gained and lessons learned, and to make recommendations to improve national and global pandemic preparedness and response.

"But one thing is abundantly clear. The world must never be the same.

"We do not need a review to tell us that we must all do everything in our power to ensure this never happens again.

"Whatever lessons there are to learn from this pandemic, the greatest failing would be to not learn from them, and to leave the world in the same vulnerable state it was before.

"If there is anything positive to come from this pandemic, it must be a safer and more resilient world.

"This is not a new message.

"Reviews after SARS, the H1N1 pandemic and the West African Ebola epidemic highlighted shortcomings in global health security, and made numerous recommendations for countries to address those gaps.

"Some were implemented; others went unheeded.

"The SARS outbreak gave rise to the revision of the International Health Regulations, in 2005;

"The H1N1 pandemic saw the creation of the Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework; and 

"The Ebola outbreak of 2014 and 15 led to the establishment of the Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility, the WHO Emergencies Programme and the Independent Oversight Advisory Committee.

"The world doesn't need another plan, another system, another mechanism, another committee or another organization.

"It needs to strengthen, implement and finance the systems and organizations it has -- including WHO. Many leaders who have spoken today have raised these issues: implementing, supporting WHO, and financing.

"The world can no longer afford the short-term amnesia that has characterized its response to health security for too long.

"The time has come to weave together the disparate strands of global health security into an unbreakable chain -- a comprehensive framework for epidemic and pandemic preparedness.

"The world does not lack the tools, the science, or the resources to make it safer from pandemics. What is has lacked is the sustained commitment to use the tools, the science and the resources it has.

"That must change, and it must change today.

"Today I am calling on all nations to resolve that they will do everything it takes to ensure that the 2020 coronavirus pandemic is never repeated.

"I am calling on all nations to invest in strengthening and implementing the many tools at our disposal -- especially the global treaty that underpins global health security: the International Health Regulations.

"To be successful, we must all commit to mutual ownership and accountability.

"One way to do that, proposed by the Africa Group last year, is through a system of universal periodic review, in which countries agree to a regular and transparent review of each nation's preparedness."

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 18 - May 23, 2020

Article Link:
COVID-19 Update: "One Thing Is Abundantly Clear. The World Must Never Be the Same." -- WHO Director-General


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