Terrorist Attack on Venezuela

Statement by Venezuelan Delegation at Virtual Public Session of United Nations Security Council

Delivered by Samuel Moncada, Permanent Representative of Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the United Nations, May 20, 2020.

Mr. President,

1. I thank you for convening this meeting to discuss the latest events in Venezuela, especially those that occurred on May 3, as well as the imminent threat of an armed attack, an imminent breach of peace in my country and of all the region if the aggression continues.

Mr. President,

2. By signing the Charter of the United Nations we all pledged to "take effective collective measures to prevent and eliminate threats to peace, suppress acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace, and achieve by peaceful means, and in accordance with the principles of justice and international law, the settlement of disputes or international situations that may lead to breaches of the peace." Today, this provision has been violated, with impunity, and with full contempt for the Charter.

3. In a letter to the Security Council, dated May 13, 2020, we demonstrated to the world the armed aggression against my country,[1] which, according to public and irrefutable evidence shared at that time, demonstrated that the governments of the United States of America and the Republic of Colombia provided planning, training, financing and, still today, they are protecting groups of mercenaries and terrorists, who carried out an armed attack with the objective of perpetrating 1) indiscriminate killings of innocent civilians; 2) selective murders against high officials of my government; and 3) the assassination of President Nicolás Maduro.

4. This is an evident violation of the Charter of the United Nations, of international law and of multiple resolutions of this Security Council, which are legally binding on all Member States. The governments of Colombia and the United States of America violated their relevant obligations under international law, in particular those provided for in the following four (04) resolutions:

a. Security Council resolution 239 (1967), which condemns any State that allows or tolerates "the recruitment of mercenaries and the granting of facilities to them in order to overthrow the governments of the Member States of the United Nations."

b. Security Council resolution 1269 (1999), in which States are called upon to "prevent and suppress in their territories, by all lawful means, the preparation and financing of any act of terrorism."

c. Security Council resolution 1373 (2001), in which it is decided that all States should refrain from providing any type of support to entities or persons participating in acts of terrorism, including by repressing their recruitment and the supply of weapons to terrorists, and deny asylum to those who finance, plan, support or commit acts of terrorism.

d. Security Council resolution 1456 (2003), in which States are called upon to "provide mutual assistance, to the greatest extent possible, to prevent, investigate, prosecute and punish acts of terrorism, wherever they occur," while stressing that "States must bring to justice those who finance, plan, support or commit acts of terrorism or provide safe haven, in accordance with international law, in particular on the basis of the principle to extradite or prosecute."

5. To this day, the governments of the United States of America and Colombia continue to deny any assistance and cooperation to the competent Venezuelan authorities, in order to establish the facts and avoid impunity by ensuring that those responsible are brought to justice. As a result, these governments violate their obligations under existing bilateral treaties on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters. Furthermore, as of today, the United States government continues to provide a safe haven for people who blatantly claimed to be the leaders of the last armed incursion against Venezuela.

Mr. President,

6. Today I must report that operations to capture the individuals who participated in this armed aggression are ongoing, as we are aware of the existence of other groups of mercenaries and terrorists who were trying to carry out their criminal plans in other regions of our country. In fact, on May 14 there was an attack against our National Water Supply System, which in addition to constituting a clear violation of Security Council resolution 2341 (2017) on the protection of critical infrastructure against terrorist attacks, confirms the veracity of the public statements of the criminals who remain at large, in connection with the preparations for a new attack and the training of new groups of mercenaries and terrorists. All this occurs while new evidence continues to be obtained that clearly points to both Washington and Bogotá, as the main conspirators behind the aggression.

7. In addition, there are at least three (3) additional events of great concern that I must also report today, since they are part of the continuous and systematic campaign of aggression against my country:

a. First, on May 13, the United States government included Venezuela on an illegal and unilateral list to falsely blame my country for not cooperating fully with efforts to fight terrorism. Nothing is more cynical than an accusation of this type, which comes only days after the perpetration of an armed attack with mercenaries and terrorists, with the full support from U.S. government officials and the direct participation of U.S. citizens and companies. In addition, the next day, on May 14, a senior Trump administration official told Reuters that the designation as "terrorist organizations" was being considered for several Venezuelan security agencies. This is an obvious threat to the peace and security of my country, since the United States government is trying to fabricate a narrative which, according to its supremacist notions, declares its national laws as universal, that it can take "decisive defensive action" and assassinate high-ranking officials of the Venezuelan security and intelligence agencies, and, using its propaganda machinery, later twist the crime to present it as an anti-terrorist operation. It is a sad fact of our times that the U.S. government hopes to openly get away with normalizing the illegal murder of top national officials around the world through the use of brute force.

b. Second, as we have denounced in previous letters to the Security Council, the United States government has openly admitted that it is pressuring companies to refrain from supplying gasoline to Venezuela, which has led to the current shortage that exists today across the country. In this context, let me pose the following question: What if, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, New York City was deliberately deprived of gas? This, undoubtedly, would count as a crime against humanity, which is precisely what the government of President Donald Trump is currently perpetrating against thirty (30) million Venezuelans. Today, coercion is coupled with a new danger: the threat of the use of military force against five (5) Iranian oil tankers with fuel that are headed to Venezuela, violating, among other things, the freedom of commerce and navigation. Should the threat materialize, it would constitute actual armed aggression against an Iranian civilian ship and against the Venezuelan people as a whole. The government of the United States insists on presenting itself as our "saviour", claiming to be the "main donor" of humanitarian assistance to Venezuela and now even dares to accuse our government of obstructing the provision of U.S. assistance, when the truth is that all those who are willing to support our country at this time have been able to do so, through the relevant United Nations agencies.

c. And third, just under a week ago, on May 13, the international media revealed the existence of a "Venezuelan Reconstruction Unit" within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the British Commonwealth, through which conversations were held between United Kingdom officials, Venezuelan opposition figures and the conspirators of the recent armed incursion, promoting the need for guarantees of preferential status to be given to British companies in my country after the act of aggression was successfully carried out. This new evidence that has now come to light, along with the looting of more than $1.7 billion in Venezuelan gold by the Bank of England, demonstrates once again that the British government is an opportunistic accomplice in the colonial looting of Venezuela's riches. Furthermore, British warships remain outside our territorial waters, in a hostile and confrontational attitude, along with Dutch, French and U.S. warships, conveniently disguised as anti-drug operations, but actually intended to illegally establish a naval blockade against our nation. The combination of military provocations with information operations is a repeat of the old plausible denial trick used in covert aggression.

Mr. President,

8. On December 14, 1974, the General Assembly unanimously approved resolution 3314 (XXIX), which defines aggression as "the use of armed force by a State against the sovereignty, territorial integrity or political independence of another State, or in any other way incompatible with the Charter of the United Nations," and includes as such acts both "the blockade of the ports or the coasts of one State by the armed forces of another State" and "the sending by or on behalf of a State, of armed bands, groups, irregulars or mercenaries, which carry out acts of armed force against another State." This text, which perfectly fits the description of the most recent events in Venezuela, also recognizes that no consideration of whatever nature may serve as justification for an act of aggression.

9. For this reason, while urging the Security Council to fulfill the duties and responsibilities entrusted to it by the Charter of the United Nations in relation to the maintenance of international peace and security, we ask it to determine once and for all not only the threat that the warmongering policies of the governments of Colombia and the United States of America pose to the peace of both Venezuela and the entire region, but also to recognize the acts of aggression that have been committed against my country and demand that the perpetrators put an immediate end to their criminal practices, including the use or threat of the use of force and the commission of new armed attacks, including through the use of mercenaries and terrorists.

10. The United States government and its allies are creating a lawless space in international relations where they can disregard their obligations under international law and impose tyrannical, arbitrary, and colonial practices on the rest of the world. Thus, the supremacy of their national interest justifies the most abominable crimes, such as the case of protecting the "good terrorists and mercenaries" who attacked Venezuela if they serve the expansion of U.S. power. The Security Council must enforce the notions of morality and legality in international relations, under the principle that "no consideration of any nature, be it political, economic, military or otherwise, can serve as justification for aggression." That is the only way to promote peace and security among nations.

11. Today, in the midst of a deadly pandemic that affects all of humanity and that requires the full attention of our national government to protect the lives of our people, we are also facing an imminent armed attack that, due to its genocidal effects, is equivalent to a crime against humanity. Given the gravity of the situation and its potential escalation, the inaction of the Security Council at this juncture will embolden those governments to continue with their warmongering and criminal plans, as has been the case so far, considering the fact that the Governments of Colombia and the United States have doubled their aggression against Venezuela, in contempt of international law and the Charter of the United Nations, and in a demonstration of its unrepentant and repeated nature.

12. Let me conclude by insisting that our country does not pose a threat to anyone and hopes that everyone will learn this lesson: Venezuela is not for sale, it will never be a colony and our people, with serenity and determination, will fulfil our duty to be free.

Thank you very much, Mr. President


1. To read the Letter to the President of the Security Council from Samuel Moncada, Permanent Representative of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the United Nations, click here.

(Translated from the original Spanish by TML.)