Canadian Labour Congress Letter to Foreign Affairs Minister

Dear Minister François-Philippe Champagne:

I write to you today to raise concerns with the particular situation in Cuba as it struggles to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic while struggling under the unjust and illegal blockade imposed by the Government of the United States.

The decades-long economic, commercial and financial sanctions have had a significant negative impact on the Cuban economy and, consequently, have severely damaged the basic living conditions of the Cuban people. Furthermore, due to their extraterritorial reach, they affect Cuba's trade and external economic and financial relations and have a detrimental impact on legitimate business interests and trade relations of other countries with Cuba, since these nations try to avoid falling afoul of U.S. legislation.

On November 7, 2019, for the 28th consecutive year, the United Nations General Assembly overwhelmingly adopted by a vote of 187 countries (including Canada) to 3, the Resolution that demands the United States put an end to the blockade imposed on Cuba.

However, the United States has ignored this worldwide demand and has continued to tighten unilateral sanctions, the effects of which are felt much more now, when Cuba is fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. The blockade has become a major impediment to purchasing much-needed medicines, equipment and materials to deal with the pandemic, as well as to receiving and providing international aid.

Additionally, the restrictions imposed by the blockade on banks, shipping companies and airlines to prevent them from having any dealings with Cuba hinder the arrival of medical supplies and donations to the country.

Likewise, the fuel shortage, due to the blockade, damages the operation and the rapid response capacity of the national health system.

In the face of the global pandemic, there have been outspoken condemnations of this policy, from, among others, the UN Secretary-General, who has called for "the waiving of sanctions imposed on countries to ensure access to food, essential health supplies, and COVID-19 medical support."

This crisis is a time for solidarity. We call on the Government of Canada to work with members of the United Nations to resolve the U.S. blockade imposed on Cuba. 

Hassan Yussuff, President

(May 11, 2020)

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 18 - May 23, 2020

Article Link:
Canadian Labour Congress Letter to Foreign Affairs Minister


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