Information on U.S.-Israeli Agenda of Annexation and Extinguishing Palestinian Right to Be

Demonstration in Ramallah, February 11, 2020, one of many in Palestine and around the world rejecting the Trump administration's "Deal of the Century."

U.S President Donald Trump announced his so called "Deal of the Century" on January 28 this year. It aims to legitimize the role of the Zionist state over the Palestinians, depriving them of their livelihoods and lands and, in particular, negating their rights as a people, including the right of return. The Palestinian people have rejected the "Deal of the Century" in its entirety, while the Israeli state and its political leaders are acting as if it is a done deal.

Immediately after the terms of the "Deal" were disclosed, the publication Canada Talks Israel-Palestine issued a summary of its main features and presented its assessment to Global Affairs Canada "to help Minister Francois-Philippe Champagne make up his mind on the substance of the Deal." The government of Canada has remained silent.

Here are ten of the main provisions of the Deal identified by Canada Talks Israel-Palestine:

Expansion of Israel's Borders: Israel's borders will now extend to the Jordan River. In the process, Israel will gain another 20 per cent of the West Bank. It will give up some mostly uninhabited desert land in the Negev near the Gaza-Egypt border. Israel will retain sovereignty over territorial waters, which means not only that it will control access to Gaza, but also the subsea resources (chiefly natural gas) off the Mediterranean coast.

Exclusive Israeli control over Jerusalem: Palestinians will have to accept that all of Jerusalem ("undivided") is Israel's capital and under Israeli control, including the Old City. Palestinians will be allowed to keep some land on the periphery of East Jerusalem and call it their "capital." (In Canadian terms, "we will take Ottawa as our capital and you can have Barrhaven.")

Settlements: Israel will annex the Jordan Valley and claim sovereignty over 100 Israeli settlements in the West Bank. This includes 15 isolated settlements, which will be enclaves within an eventual Palestinian state. The Israeli military will have access to these isolated settlements.

Israeli military control: Israel will be in control of security from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. The Israel Defense Forces will be able to go anywhere in the West Bank and Gaza.

Right of return denied for almost all refugees: Over half the Palestinian population are refugees -- between 5 and 7 million people. They are the descendants of non-Jews (Muslims and Christians) who were driven out of what became Israel in 1947/48. But according to the plan, only a small number of Palestinian refugees and their descendants will be allowed into the new Palestinian "state." None will have the right to enter Israel. The rest will have to give up the idea of return, despite the fact that it is guaranteed in international law

A Palestinian "quasi" state -- "eventually? maybe?": The plan does not include immediate recognition of a Palestinian state; rather, it holds out the prospect of a future Palestinian "State" -- eventually, and under certain conditions. But this state is unlike any other state in the world. It will be a strange collection of separate "areas" cut off from each other by Israeli-only roads, and pockmarked by Israeli settlements, which will be Israeli territory. The Palestinian state will have no territorial contiguity, and the parts of the West Bank will be connected via 12 tunnels or bridges. Israel will maintain control of all its borders. The West Bank and Gaza Strip will be connected by a 20-kilometre tunnel.

Some Palestinian Israelis could lose Israeli citizenship: The plan leaves open the possibility that Israel will redraw its borders to exclude several large Palestinian towns now on Israel's borders. By including them in the future Palestinian "state," Israel would reduce the number of non-Jews in Israel by several hundred thousand.

An end to resistance: Trump also called for the disarmament of Palestinian political factions like Hamas and Islamic Jihad, and "firm rejection of terrorism" as a requirement for Palestinian statehood. Palestinians would give up their right to defend their homes and schools from attacks by settlers, for example. The plan also demands that the Palestinians drop their request that the International Criminal Court investigate Israel for "crimes against humanity."

Recognition of Israel as a Jewish State: Palestinians would be required to recognize Israel as the Jewish State, and accept that the Israeli border will be along the Jordan valley. Israeli citizens who are not Jewish (i.e., Palestinian citizens of Israel, who number 1.5 million) will have to accept permanently their situation as second class citizens with fewer rights than those of Jewish Israeli citizens.

Promises of new investment and job creation: The plan holds out the lure of $50 billion in investments over 10 years. "Over the next 10 years, one million great new Palestinian jobs will be created," Trump promised, adding that the poverty rate will be cut in half, and the Palestinian GDP will "double and triple." He did not say who will pony up the money, however. The implication seems to be that it will come from other Arab states, though none has offered any.

Statement Issued by Global Affairs Canada on January 28 on the
Release of U.S. Middle East Peace Plan

Montreal demonstration, February 2, 2020, stands with the Palestinian people in denouncing the "Deal of the Century."

The Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Foreign Affairs, stated "Canada remains committed to the goal of achieving a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East. This includes the creation of a Palestinian state living side by side in peace and security with Israel and ensuring Israel's security within its own borders.

"Canada recognizes the urgent need to renew efforts toward a negotiated solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and will carefully examine the details of the U.S. initiative for the Middle East peace process.

"Canada has long maintained that peace can only be achieved through direct negotiations between the parties. We urge the parties to create the conditions for such negotiations to take place.

"Canada reaffirms its readiness to support meaningful dialogue between the parties toward a negotiated and viable two-state solution."

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 17 - May 16, 2020

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Information on U.S.-Israeli Agenda of Annexation and Extinguishing Palestinian Right to Be


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