End the Catastrophe Imposed on the Palestinian People! 

All Out to Support the Resistance of the Palestinian People on Occasion of Al Nakba

May 15 marks the 72nd anniversary of Al Nakba -- the Catastrophe -- a day marking a "continuous journey of pain, loss and injustice" for the Palestinian people. It marks the day that some 750,000 Palestinians were expelled from their homes during the 1948 war. Palestinians were forced from their lands and homes due to military attacks by Zionist forces, supported by the British and U.S. governments. The Israeli Zionist forces attacked 774 cities and villages, and occupied 80 per cent of the Palestinian soil after killing nearly 15,000 Muslim and Christian civilians. Those who survived were forced to migrate to the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and neighbouring countries, such as Syria, Jordan and Lebanon.

May 15, Al Nakba Day, is living memory of these crimes, crimes which set the scene for today's conditions where more than seven million Palestinians live in exile, while two million are living in the Gaza strip, the world's largest open-air prison.

This year due to the COVID-19 pandemic conditions, the form the mass mobilization will take is online seminars, film streaming and online expressions of support of all kinds. The peoples of the world support Palestinian resistance, statehood and their right to be and will honour and recognize their struggle with all their hearts and minds, demanding that the world community of nations do its duty and end the injustice once and for all. 

Leading up to Al Nakba Day, Israeli occupation soldiers brutally shot and killed Zaid Qaysia, a 15-year-old Palestinian from Hebron, on May 12. Four others were wounded. Israeli soldiers were raiding the Al Fawwar refugee camp. Dozens more Palestinians have been detained in Israeli raids across the occupied West Bank. One Israeli soldier died at the hands of the resistance while carrying out these savage raids in recent days.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who was meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the day Israeli troops killed Zaid Qaysia. Pompeo commented that "Israel has the right to defend itself and America will consistently support you in that effort."

Painting depicting the Nakba by Palestinian artist Ismail Shammout.

Pompeo was in Israel to discuss Israeli annexation of occupied Palestinian territories. Netanyahu set July 1 as the date to officially annex parts of the West Bank and a number of illegal Israeli settlements. Pompeo said "there remains work to do and we need to make progress on that" revealing that annexation and extinguishing the right to be of Palestinians is the U.S. imperialist agenda, not simply an Israeli agenda. Annexation is what the U.S. "Deal of the Century" announced earlier this year by President Trump is about.

The Israeli Zionists are pushing ahead. On May 6, according to the Jerusalem Post, the Israeli Minister of Defense Naftali Bennett approved the expansion of the Efrat settlement south of Jerusalem (al-Quds), and endorsed the plan for some 7,000 new settler units in the 11,000-resident municipality.

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has condemned Israel's plan to annex much of the occupied West Bank, saying the move will shut the door on possible "peace negotiations" with the Palestinians. The Palestinian Authority has rejected the "Deal" with utter contempt. The Arab League has said annexation would be a "war crime." The Jordanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates denounced the Israeli regime's approval for the construction of the 7,000 new settler units in the West Bank as a flagrant violation of international law and UN resolutions. According to the Palestinian Ambassador to the UN Riyad Mansour, the UN Security Council will meet to discuss the situation on May 20.

On this occasion of the 72nd anniversary of Al Nakba Day, the world  salutes the heroic resistance of the Palestinian people and once again raises the demand to end the injustice now!

No to Israeli Annexation!
No to the U.S. Deal of the Century!
Free Free Palestine!

Great Return March actions in Gaza, near the Israeli border, mark Nakba 70 in 2018.

(Photos: Ralph JH, Ismail Shammout Great Return March)

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 17 - May 16, 2020

Article Link:
End the Catastrophe Imposed on the Palestinian People! : All Out to Support the Resistance of the Palestinian People on Occasion of Al Nakba


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