Windsor and District Labour Council Calls for an End to Inhumane Sanctions and Blockades

The following letter was sent on May 8 to the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Canada as well as the leaders of all other parties in Parliament and local MPs as a follow-up to a resolution passed at the online April membership meeting of the Windsor and District Labour Council.

Honorable Justin Trudeau
Prime Minister

Several times in recent weeks the United Nations Secretary General António Guterres has called for the lifting of sanctions against countries so that they can obtain the resources needed to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. The same call was given by Pope Francis in his Easter address on April 12, echoing the demand of affected countries, the majority of UN member states, and organizations and personalities around the world;

Despite these pleas, the United States has maintained and in some cases actually increased its unilateral, illegal sanctions and blockades against Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, Syria, Nicaragua and other countries it has targeted for this form of economic warfare -- unconscionable at a time when the peoples of the world are standing together as one against the pandemic;

Canada also continues to maintain its illegal sanctions against Venezuela, Iran, Syria and other countries, causing direct harm to and costing the lives of the people of these countries.

The Windsor and District Labour Council adds its voice to the UN Secretary General, Pope Francis and all others calling for an end to sanctions and blockades by all those, including Canada, who are engaged in this inhumane activity, depriving the people of sanctioned countries of access to the equipment, supplies, including food, and medications they need to bring the pandemic under control and save lives. Lift Canada's sanctions now. End all Canadian support, whether active or passive, for illegal U.S. sanctions and blockades against other countries.

Brian Hogan
Windsor and District Labour Council

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 16 - May 9, 2020

Article Link:
Windsor and District Labour Council Calls for an End to Inhumane Sanctions and Blockades


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