End the Attacks on Cuba

Statement by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba Regarding the Terrorist Attack Against the Cuban Embassy in the U.S.

Good afternoon:

As the Ministry of Foreign Affairs informed in a prompt manner, at around 2:00 o'clock today, that is, in the early hours of the morning on Thursday, April 30, 2020, a terrorist attack was perpetrated against the embassy of the Republic of Cuba to the United States in Washington. An unidentified individual shot at the building of the Cuban embassy in the U.S. using an assault rifle.

None of the members of the staff of the mission, who are safe and protected, were injured, but some material damage was caused to the building as a result of the numerous gunshots.

Cuba's diplomatic mission in Washington has a security and protection system in place against any threat that may jeopardize the diplomatic officials, their family members and the facilities.

The individual, whose identity has not been reported to the Cuban government, was arrested by the local authorities and remains in their custody.

We appreciate the professional behaviour of the law enforcement agency officers who very quickly arrived at the scene of the incident.

Today, at noon, I summoned the Chargé d'Affaires of the U.S. embassy in Havana, Mrs. Mara Tekach, to discuss this serious incident.

I protested in the strongest of terms the grave terrorist attack perpetrated against the Cuban embassy. I asked her: How would the U.S. government react to such an attack against any of its embassies? I recalled the unfair actions and threats made by the U.S. Government, without the least explanation or evidence, about the so-called acoustic attacks against American diplomats.

Damage done in terrorist attack on the embassy of the Republic of Cuba to the United States in Washington, DC, April 30, 2020.

It is the obligation of all States to take all appropriate steps to protect the premises of a diplomatic mission accredited to that country against any intrusion or damage and to prevent any disturbance of the peace of the mission or attack on its dignity or its normal functioning, as established by the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961.

I demanded the utmost cooperation from U.S. government authorities to clarify the facts and assure that such incidents, including the one that just occurred, do not happen again or remain unpunished.

This attack against the Cuban embassy in the United States has in any case been encouraged by the increasingly hostile rhetoric against our country that has both publicly and systematically involved the U.S. Secretary of State as well as high officials of that Department in charge of Western Hemisphere relations, and even of the U.S. embassy in Havana.

It is impossible not to see the connection between such actions and the strengthening of the aggressive and hostile policy that the U.S. applies against Cuba, or the tightening of the blockade, which includes non-conventional measures even in times of the COVID-19 pandemic, which affects the whole planet.

The actions to instigate violence against Cuban medical personnel in third countries, as was the case recently in Bolivia, with U.S. officials even participating; the slanders and demonization of our health staff, also encourage violent actions.

At the moment of the attack, as I told the U.S. diplomat, there were ten Cuban officials and diplomats inside the building, who were in grave danger.

It is likewise impossible to dissociate this type of action from the effect of hate-filled policies and speeches that promote division and social violence.

There have been serious historical antecedents of violent and hostile actions, including terrorist acts, against Cuban diplomatic officials assigned to the United States, both at the Washington mission and at the Cuban Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York.

I also recalled that several groups and individuals who have in the past committed terrorist acts against Cuba have operated for many years and are still operating inside U.S. territory with impunity, something well known by the law enforcement agencies of the government of the United States.

I am surprised to see that more than 15 hours have elapsed since the attack against our embassy and neither the official U.S. government authorities nor the State Department have contacted our authorities; there has been no official statement, not even tweets that are so frequent when any officials of the United States or its Embassy refer to Cuba.

I urge the State Department to adopt, with the utmost urgency, the measures necessary to ensure full compliance with its responsibilities under the Vienna Convention and to guarantee the security and safety of the Cuban embassy, the Cuban Permanent Mission to the United Nations, and the staff that works at both missions and their accompanying family members.

Finally, I offer the cooperation of the Cuban authorities to carry out the appropriate investigation.

Thank you, very much.

(Minrex, April 30. Slightly edited for style and grammar by TML. Photos: Minrex)

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 16 - May 9, 2020

Article Link:
End the Attacks on Cuba: Statement by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba Regarding the Terrorist Attack Against the Cuban Embassy in the U.S. - Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla


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