For Your Information

Resolution of the 8th Congress of CPC(M-L) on Accountability

8th Congress of CPC(M-L) held in Ottawa, August 2008.

GIVEN the defeat of the Charlottetown Accord in October 1992 clearly signified that class struggle between the working class and the bourgeoisie over who decides the affairs of the society had broken out in all earnest;

GIVEN the disequilibrium in the parliamentary system after the 1993 federal election that to date has not been re-established whereby the party system of governance based on a party-in-power and a party-in-opposition said to represent the will of the people has collapsed and deepened the crisis of representative democracy;

GIVEN the defeat of the Charlottetown Accord and disequilibrium from the 1993 federal election opened a space for change that the working class must occupy;

GIVEN that far from renewing the political process to recognize the people's right to elect and be elected, the parties in Parliament have engaged in one reform of the electoral law after another to concentrate privilege and power in their own hands, which has led to the further alienation of the people's right to govern themselves;

GIVEN that with these electoral reforms the political parties in Parliament have become appendages of the state and have formed a cartel-party system which brokers deals behind the backs of the people to preserve themselves through minority governments;

GIVEN the tendency of these governments to enshrine monopoly right and embroil Canada in U.S.-led aggression and wars of occupation, annex Canada into a North America of the Monopolies and enact laws that violate individual and collective rights;

RECOGNIZING the general discontent with the entire political process symbolizes that the demands of the people have far surpassed the possibility of their satisfaction through the current political process and that this discontent and demand for change of the political process have become more intense;

RECOGNIZING the demand of the people to exercise control over their lives by participating in governing their society requires that those elected to office represent the people and are directly accountable to them and that this change means a new kind of political party must come into being that strives to empower the electorate and not come to power for its own self-serving interests;

RECOGNIZING that the cartel-party system based on party-domination and party-privilege will continue to obstruct the development of political rights for all and create an ever more dangerous situation with the establishment of a values-based system violating the right to conscience and criminalizing political opinion on the fascist basis of "Canadian values" that must be accepted by all;

RECOGNIZING the need to change the electoral law to guarantee that no inequality based on a person's status in society in terms of wealth or access to levers of political power or influence be allowed to deny any individual's right to participate fully in the political process, set the agenda for the country, and to elect and be elected;

RECOGNIZING the essential flaw in the Canada Elections Act is that it enables political parties to exercise those rights, which by universal standards of human rights, are the entitlement of all members of the polity, and that the elimination of this domination and privilege of a political elite and business parties is crucial to the democratic renewal of the political process;

RECOGNIZING the fact that the cartel-party politicians will never legislate themselves out of existence thereby requiring all those who have an interest in democratic renewal to join together and constitute themselves a force as worker politicians who champion democratic renewal;

RECOGNIZING the election of this or that party and "coalition politics" blocks society's path to progress since political parties or coalitions formed to come to power themselves conciliate with the anachronistic democratic institutions whose aim is to deprive the people of power;

RECOGNIZING that the first step of democratic renewal is for workers to lead the way by creating their own mechanisms of political change, establishing their own agenda, and selecting candidates to fight for their agenda from amongst their peers -- that the line and slogans Accountability Begins at Home! Empower the People! No Election Without Selection! Fund the Process Not the Parties! Become Worker Politicians -- Build Renewal Committees! Elect an Anti-War Government! present in the most simplified and concrete way the first steps that need to be taken by all at this time and that workers and their allies organized as worker politicians is the most effective opposition and force for democratic renewal;


1. Put the full weight of the Party behind its program:

For Us Accountability Begins at Home

Empower the People!

No Election Without Selection!

Fund the Process Not the Parties!

Become a Worker Politician -- Build Renewal Committees!

Elect an Anti-War Government!

2. Put the full weight of the Party behind the building of renewal committees:

1) established from the ranks of peers within places of work, educational institutions, neighbourhoods and amongst seniors;

2) conducting their work based on practical politics and non-partisan mass political mobilization to unite the people in action for democratic renewal;

3. Provide the following mandate to the national leader of the Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada:

1) be responsible for the profile of the MLPC as a party of Canadian renewal;

2) represent the MLPC during and between elections at all official functions;

3) be a resource person available to speak at the request of national, regional and local organizations;

4) establish a public relations office of the National Leader to deal with media and inquiries from the public;

5) issue communiqués of the MLPC on a regular basis;

6) educate the members of the MLPC and the public on the Canada Elections Act, theories of governance and related issues;

7) endorse all MLPC candidates during a federal election;

8) make sure the MLPC is at all times in conformity with the Canada Elections Act.

4. Mandate the executive of the MLPC to consolidate the National Office of the MLPC, renovate the website of the MLPC, conduct membership campaigns and go all out to participate in federal elections with the aim of electing an effective workers' opposition and anti-war government.

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 15 - May 2, 2020

Article Link:
For Your Information: Resolution of the 8th Congress of CPC(M-L) on Accountability


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