The Workers' Striving for Empowerment Will Secure Their Future

During this coronavirus pandemic, the workers and oppressed peoples all over the world are reeling under the weight of the profound crisis of the monopoly capitalist system and the dictate of the international financial oligarchy and its oligopolies which dominate all sectors of the economy. Their only concern about society is their pursuit of maximum profit, no matter what gets auctioned off or who and what get destroyed. Governments use the full weight of the state, its agencies and revenues to meet the demands of the monopolies and financiers.

Now, once again in the name of rescuing the economy, their slogan is that We are all in this together and Helping each other is the Canadian Way. The "we" is presumably the Team Canada Justin Trudeau endlessly refers to, picking up the slogan of his predecessor Jean Chrétien. It is shameful that in the aftermath of what Jean Chrétien did to sell out the country in the name of Team Canada, Justin Trudeau promotes this as the way "to win," to "come out on top."

His is not the definition of winning Canadians espouse. Far from it, every day reveals the consequences of the damage their so-called Team Canada Canadian Way has caused for society. It is not for nothing that Jean Chrétien also called for getting back to "business as usual" following the defeat of the Charlottetown Accord when Canadians demanded their own empowerment and an end to the old way of doing things. Because of this "business as usual" approach, the workers are facing massive economic insecurity, unemployment and the denial and negation of their rights.

The cutbacks to social programs in the name of high ideals have made life increasingly untenable for years but, despite this, the only claims on society which governments at both the federal and provincial levels have recognized are those of the speculators and money lenders. When it comes to the claims of the working people, every bogus excuse is given as to why recognizing them is not possible."

It is truly criminal to use the power of the state and its institutions to deny what belongs to the working class and people by right.

Even in the conditions of pandemic, the financial oligarchs, oligopolies and imperialist countries and states in their service pursue their private interests. Rule of law at home and abroad lies in tatters because anarchy has been raised to authority with devastating consequences. Governments simply remove any barriers in the way of private interests. They are even perpetrating the fraud that parliaments are in charge of decision-making while the cartel political parties vie with one another and give themselves accolades for allegedly genuinely caring for the people and holding governments to account.

Workers must intensify their movement to empower themselves, not divide behind disinformation that the Parliament, virtual or not, will hold governments to account as if this or that faction of the rich is any better that the other.

Working people cannot afford to stay in the trap of "left" versus "right." What exists is a cartel party system within anachronistic liberal democratic institutions over which the people exercise no control whatsoever. The independence of organizing, thinking and actions of the workers' opposition becomes a bulwark against the disastrous approach of constantly responding to and following the agenda of the financial oligarchy and its so-called right-wing and left-wing cartel political parties.

It is the stand of the workers to defend their rights in practice to the wages and working conditions they require which opens up prospects for a bright future. Without this, life is grim; the future is bleak. Across the country and internationally, let us step up the work to uphold the dignity of labour by opposing the dangers facing humanity, which are made worse by the rule of the rich who are a blight on society, a burden it cannot afford to carry any longer.

The striving for empowerment that working people are embracing in the present reality will secure their future. Working people can turn things around by refusing the agenda set by the ruling elite and speak directly to those matters that concern themselves. Discussing and working out how to resolve the economic, political, social and environmental problems in ways that favour working people and not the rich is what makes a difference. By engaging in actions with analysis to establish and strengthen independent institutions based on the fight to defend the rights of all is the work for political renewal. This is what will bring in the New.

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 14 - April 25, 2020

Article Link:
The Workers' Striving for Empowerment Will Secure Their Future - Anna Di Carlo


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