Canada Silent as COVID-19 Spreads Among Prisoners in Israeli Jails

There are an estimated 4,520 Palestinian prisoners in crowded Israeli jails, including men, women and children as young as 14. In the face of well-founded concerns that COVID-19 is spreading in its prisons, a global outcry is rising demanding Israel release Palestinian prisoners, particularly women and children and those held without charge under so-called "administrative detention." But Peter Larson, Chair of the Ottawa Forum on Israel/Palestine (OFIP), says that so far, Canada, which claims to be a "friend of the Palestinian people," has not shown any interest.

Larson informs that Palestinian prisoners are held in over a dozen prisons across Israel and the West Bank. Torture is often used at the interrogation centres.

For years Palestinian human rights organizations have used Prisoners' Day (April 17) to shed light on Israel's repressive policies toward its Palestinian prisoners in the West Bank and Gaza, Larson points out.

According to the Gaza-based Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, these include:

- inhuman and cruel detention conditions;
- psychological and physical torture, and solitary confinement;
- administrative detention;
- unjust military orders and decisions; and
- a ban on visits from medical professionals

A recent appeal from Addameer, a West-Bank based prisoner rights organization, called on the international community "to join us in an urgent campaign to free all Palestinian prisoners in order to protect them from COVID-19, particularly in light of the increased restrictions on their rights by the Israeli Prison Service."

The Addameer appeal noted that as of early March 2020, the Israeli Prison Service (IPS):
- halted all family and lawyers' visits for Palestinian prisoners,
- postponed all trial proceedings in the military courts
- stopped bringing Palestinians undergoing pre-trial detention or interrogation for their detention extensions. [...]
- barred Palestinian prisoners' legal representatives from direct communication with their clients

Palestinian artists paint street mural marking Prisoner's Day, April 17, 2020.

Around the world, human rights organizations have taken up the issue of the spread of COVID-19 among prisoners with alarm, Larson informs. "I urge all states to release all those detained without a lawful basis, including those held in violation of human rights obligations," said Michelle Bachelet, UN Commissioner for Human Rights.

Larson points out that in fact, Israel did announce the release of approximately 400 Israeli prisoners to curb the spread of the coronavirus, but this does not appear to have included any Palestinians.

Larson also informs that in the U.S., the Friends of Sabeel North America, a Christian organization, has launched a petition urging that the USA bring pressure on Israel to release its Palestinian prisoners. The U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Human Rights (USCPR) has launched its own campaign toward the same end.

Larson decries the fact that Canada has not showed any concern. A letter sent to Canada's Mission in Ramallah three weeks ago asking them to investigate the situation of Palestinian prisoners, has gone unacknowledged and unanswered, he says.

The letter to the Canadian Mission in Ramallah, March 31, 2020, reads:

When our Come and See group was in Ramallah last fall, we met with representatives of Addameer, the Palestinian prisoner rights organization. We got an excellent, detailed briefing on how accused Palestinians are "processed" by Israeli authorities. Most are held for months without charge under "administrative detainment." All are under duress, with poor medical attention. Many are tortured. Now it appears that family visits have also been suspended, which makes any outside surveillance almost impossible.

I have just received an urgent appeal from Addameer indicating that some of these prisoners (still not charged) have now become infected with the COVID-19 virus while under interrogation.

I urge you, as representatives of the Canadian government, to investigate the veracity of these allegations and to make representation to the Israeli government to release those not convicted of any crime.

Thank you in advance

Peter Larson, group leader[1]

Anyone who thinks Canada should take up the demand to liberate Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails is invited to send a note to the Prime Minister, Foreign Affairs Minister, Canadian Ambassador in Tel Aviv, or Canada's Chief representative to the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah. Copies might also be sent to your local MP.


1. This letter was published in Canada Talks Israel Palestine (CTIP), the weekly newsletter of Peter Larson, Chair of the Ottawa Forum on Israel/Palestine (OFIP). The newsletter aims to "promote a serious discussion in Canada about the complicated and emotional Israel/Palestine issue."

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 14 - April 25, 2020

Article Link:
Canada Silent as COVID-19 Spreads Among Prisoners in Israeli Jails


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