The Necessity for Change in the Energy Sector

The thousands of orphaned and abandoned drilling sites left behind without environmental remediation in both Alberta and BC expose the greed, anarchy and lack of social responsibility on the part of the energy companies. The aim for private profit drives them into risky and irresponsible decisions before, during and after their operations. When unforeseen events occur such as a drop in market prices they fling up their hands in despair and cry, "What can we do; we have no money to clean up the mess. End of story." Not "end of story" but end of such a socially irresponsible control, direction and aim of the economy. The global cartels currently in control of the energy sector show with their irresponsible practice of leaving behind polluted orphaned and abandoned sites that they are incapable of addressing the broader environmental issues arising from their industry. Time for a change to the new, to humanize the social and natural environment!

(Photo: Alberta Energy Regulator)

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 12 -

Article Link:
The Necessity for Change in the Energy Sector


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